
Review Detail of hpez2301 in The Rise of Quetzalcoatl

Détail de l’examen


I fell in love with the first 70~ish % of volume one, was sorta okay with the remaining 30% and I'm kind of struggling with volume two. Now disclaimer: I'm just not really a fan of kingdom/organization building. Much like Arpious this starts as a sort of progression litrp for the first volume or so until it starts leaning harder into kingdom building sort of stuff. I personally just don't find the genre that interesting, it generally spends a significant amount of time developing side characters I'm not really interested in, and it usually means stunting the main characters growth (in both strength and personality, just because they start getting a lot less screen time) because the side characters need to catch up in order to participate. Which is kinda what happens here. Kind of abruptly all 11 of Lucy's friends also become overpowered ancient beings and a couple chapters later they all get a new evolution while Lucy gets a pittance of xp, and then a couple of chapters later everyone gets yet another evolution while Lucy gets almost halfway to her next one. If everyone's special, nobody really is. Putting aside the astronomical odds that everyone in their group just so happens to be descended from gods/mythical-beings/etc. It kind of cheapens Lucy's experiences when everyone just kinda gets it handed to them at much lower cost. I get why it was done, and a lot of novels do this too, but it always feels kind of lame when it happens. Too many characters in the kitchen: there's like 12 girls leading their organization including Lucy, and 2 more that are executives. I honestly struggle to remember much about any of them to differentiate aside from Mia, Sophia, and Charlotte, the former cause she's the love interest and had a much larger role in volume one, and the latter two oddly enough because they're NOT part of the main group. As an aside here, they have a sort of hivemind thing going on, which triggers in fight scenes. Meaning we watch from Lucy's pov as she rapidly cycles through the povs of the other girls, leaving you kinda confused as you're trying to remember who uses what weapon, who has what powers, who's positioned where. Granted, it was cool the first time it happened, and kind of annoying subsequently. Volume two kinda marks the end of 'Rise of Quetzlcoatl' and it starts being 'Rise of Tolf'. Cause the story isn't really about Lucy or Quetzlcoatl anymore. We start seeing povs of other characters a lot more often, Lucy herself kind of becomes a lot less interesting, certain threads from book one kinda just go poof cause of the relocation and time skip, Romance/smut stuff becomes more prevalent, which isn't good or bad, I'm just asexual and don't really have an interest in any of it Tl;Dr I came for the premise, stayed for Lucy's story, mildly disappointed when it became something else. Overall it's still better than most web serials I've read and you'll probably have a great time unless you have more weird hangups than I do.

The Rise of Quetzalcoatl


Aimé par 4 personnes




so true tho the whole 'Tolf' thing ruined it for me. would have had a better plot if Lucy joined the monsters.