
Review Detail of DrHungr3y in Livestream: The Adjudicator of Death

Détail de l’examen


the author of this novel is called Second Brother and the name of it in MTL is Death Inquisitor. you didn't give credits to the owner nor did you say where it was from nor did you say that this wasn't even yours. if you want to plagiarise bro just don't do it to a great work you disgraceful piece of sht. you even have the guts to go premium and lock chapters. I already read this novel when it first showed up on MTL and right now the novel is at chapter 2297 since 2020/12/16 and here I was thinking that it really would get translated but then I found a bastard just plagiarising a great work. you even changed all Chinese named people in the novel. bro in the novel everyone there is Chinese and he wasn't in new york you dumb fck. did you think no one would notice that this obviously isn't your work? did you seriously think that average American people would even know kowtow or even tell other Americans to kowtow to them? did you seriously think that no one would notice your American characters keep speaking the Chinese way? did you seriously think no one would notice how much bullshit it is to have 40 million new yorkers watching a fcking live stream? did you think no one would notice that the people watching the live stream and the way they act is the Chinese way?

Livestream: The Adjudicator of Death

Twenty-Eight Peanuts

Aimé par 121 personnes




Hmm can pls give the Real one and it's link to Mtl


the new trial reads novels is also like this, just like the " The Magic apprentice: mutated cell "or something, they cut the chapter in half and changed the setting from China to America. 90% of the novel similar to the Chinese one, the only different is that the place and names. I don't know what happened to the translators or editors to allow these copy ninja upload novels here. ........... ...x..x... .....0.....


wow... just wow. he should have given the correct credits to the writer but i do like the name changes because i really cant keep track of the name of all of the characters in Chinese novels they all seem the same to me.


yeah, I admit that because he changed the Chinese names to American names it got easier to read but what he/she did is still plagiarism even though I like the translation. he got too obvious in it especially in the part where it says millions of people are watching his live broadcast and the way the people comments like that are only in Chinese and most importantly is he based this on new york, seriously since when did new york get millions of people who can waste their time watching live broadcast.

Efrem_Woldemariam:wow... just wow. he should have given the correct credits to the writer but i do like the name changes because i really cant keep track of the name of all of the characters in Chinese novels they all seem the same to me.

you got it wrong, this novels are uploaded by webnovel but they don't belong to qidian so they do this to run from copyright charges

DrHungr3y:yeah, I admit that because he changed the Chinese names to American names it got easier to read but what he/she did is still plagiarism even though I like the translation. he got too obvious in it especially in the part where it says millions of people are watching his live broadcast and the way the people comments like that are only in Chinese and most importantly is he based this on new york, seriously since when did new york get millions of people who can waste their time watching live broadcast.

wow! didnt know that honestly.

Nashina:you got it wrong, this novels are uploaded by webnovel but they don't belong to qidian so they do this to run from copyright charges

they can simply claim tha is a similar novel

DrHungr3y:wow! didnt know that honestly.

copyright? in china? nice joke my guy


although i agree whit your argument the 40 million people part makes me want to jump in, you do realize that live streams are not only viewed by people in the same city if someone was streaming gore live without it being taken down it would gather worldwide attention and 40 million people watching it would not be weird the weird part would be that the livestreaming site could withstand a sudden load of 40 million people streaming high quality video

DrHungr3y:yeah, I admit that because he changed the Chinese names to American names it got easier to read but what he/she did is still plagiarism even though I like the translation. he got too obvious in it especially in the part where it says millions of people are watching his live broadcast and the way the people comments like that are only in Chinese and most importantly is he based this on new york, seriously since when did new york get millions of people who can waste their time watching live broadcast.

anyone got the link to read the mtl


This novel is completely different though. The only thing that stays the same is the fact that we have a judge as the MC with a system.


Completely different story. Stop spreading misinformation.


Seems fine to me, after all chinese tends to plaragrise many things, But I can that this one was quite a good one.


I found it, but the MTL seems to be even worse than this


Oh I thought this was a fking translation novel


You are one of the very few that do. The names just dont match the behavior.

Efrem_Woldemariam:wow... just wow. he should have given the correct credits to the writer but i do like the name changes because i really cant keep track of the name of all of the characters in Chinese novels they all seem the same to me.

It doesnt protect them from anything. If copyright laws were so easy to circumvent then why arent there books like this in the real world? Only idiot Chinese who dont care about laws would run a company this way. They’ve got their safe haven where they can copy the rest of the world in peace.

Nashina:you got it wrong, this novels are uploaded by webnovel but they don't belong to qidian so they do this to run from copyright charges

umm i dont know what a name has to do with behavior i mean its not like a dude named conor is more likely to become a school sho****

Oto:You are one of the very few that do. The names just dont match the behavior.

so that's why the mc name is really generic


I checked the MTL, but it feels like a different story from this. If you want to get technical about it, then this is kinda like a fanfic of that one. It's annoying that this didn't get a proper ending though.