
Review Detail of screwyoujerks in 80 Years Of Signing-In At The Cold Palace, I Am Unrivalled

Détail de l’examen


Another average sign-in novel. The MC fixing problems caused by idiots (helping the idiots). And then saying that he just wants to stay low key. Honestly dont waste your time. Reading this book for good written. Is like girl sleeping with a football team to be a virgin.

80 Years Of Signing-In At The Cold Palace, I Am Unrivalled

Girls Are Cute

Aimé par 52 personnes




funnily enough, this looks like a copy of sign in buddha novel, just worse


He only made like 2 moves and each time to save his family while hiding his Identity. I get the influx of this type of novels had ruined any good impression you might have had for this book but this is my first and I kinda like it .🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


And I can understand why, if this is the first one you read, you'd like it more. The whole banished to the cold palace as a prince or official get tiring since almost every book with sign-in does it. Plus usually the MC is that smart. But hey I can say the translation of this trial read is better than the one that got picked and is being translated.

N0VICE:He only made like 2 moves and each time to save his family while hiding his Identity. I get the influx of this type of novels had ruined any good impression you might have had for this book but this is my first and I kinda like it .🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Your review, and as well as the others who give out a pretty bad "review" is honestly weak. Low-key? Says he doesnt want to help, but does it anyway, and now you consider this as "bad"? Mate, you are being entirely dishonest, and just intentionally giving out a bad review here. MC never said that HE will NEVER help them out in any way possible. He is only giving them a push, and even then, he doesnt break the "promise" he has made.. Though, that promise is more of an "I wont help you 100% and carry you, but I will give you the pushes to survive longer, and develop faster" What about that cliche? Isnt that the same as saying as you, or everybody else doing their routine over and over again is considered as "cliche"? Y'know, the "cliche" excuse is starting to get pathetically awful. It's like somebody is trying to hide their bias beneath the excuse of "cliche", but fails so badly. You're like that guy who says "my taste matures, thus cliches are boring" That's not how a story is made to be good, its all about the plot, structure of the world and character development/human-like personality. Dumb characters? Yeah.... sure sure, be more dishonest, wouldnt ya? Have you heard of the saying "schemes are useless infront of overwhelming power"? Yeah, sometimes tricks, sneak attacks and schemes are useless against a enemy that is "too" strong. Infact, the emperors themselves arent stupid, its just that the power their dynasty has is too weak to even resist, or cause any damage to repell the enemies. This novel's rating is honestly low-balled, and downplayed with bias mixed heavily mixed into it. Realistically speaking, the novel deserves 4.9 overall. Read the mtl, as you'll see the good side of the novel perhaps, and have an tunnel-vision like many others.

screwyoujerks:And I can understand why, if this is the first one you read, you'd like it more. The whole banished to the cold palace as a prince or official get tiring since almost every book with sign-in does it. Plus usually the MC is that smart. But hey I can say the translation of this trial read is better than the one that got picked and is being translated.

Again, HE is low-key, as nobody really knows of his existence that much, and even then, he isnt so invested in being that much of a low-key. This review is the same as not paying attention to your surroundings when the traffic lights turn green, and you start walking like an idiot.


Okay let's go point by point... Your start off with the arguement "He didnt say HE would NEVER help." But the issue there is that you follow it up with your own added comments to his statement with, paraphrasing, "He would help them enough to survive" which is like saying when somebody said "I'm not going to eat meat" but the next day they do. You say they only meant for that day. Which while may be true, there is no context (until they eat meat again) that's what they meant. Secondly, when I referred to dumb people it is purely because they displayed poor management skills that without the power of Plot Armor and the MC friendship power, would cause mass devastation to the structure of the goverment and country. If you're into politics you know what I mean and if you're not then you dont wanna hear. I also dont wanna waste more time on the book. Thirdly, I think cliches can be a good thing, if the rest of the story is written well. However this story is not, or atleast to the degree that it counter acts the inherently monotonous feel cliches can give. If the sign-in Idea had fewer books, the book setting in a different location, or intriguing characters. The cliches this book hit might just be a warm comfort or hype for the plot points you know are going to follow. So in the end I dont find your points convincing and I reply in the hope others dont either.

JustABoxWithAmmo:Your review, and as well as the others who give out a pretty bad "review" is honestly weak. Low-key? Says he doesnt want to help, but does it anyway, and now you consider this as "bad"? Mate, you are being entirely dishonest, and just intentionally giving out a bad review here. MC never said that HE will NEVER help them out in any way possible. He is only giving them a push, and even then, he doesnt break the "promise" he has made.. Though, that promise is more of an "I wont help you 100% and carry you, but I will give you the pushes to survive longer, and develop faster" What about that cliche? Isnt that the same as saying as you, or everybody else doing their routine over and over again is considered as "cliche"? Y'know, the "cliche" excuse is starting to get pathetically awful. It's like somebody is trying to hide their bias beneath the excuse of "cliche", but fails so badly. You're like that guy who says "my taste matures, thus cliches are boring" That's not how a story is made to be good, its all about the plot, structure of the world and character development/human-like personality. Dumb characters? Yeah.... sure sure, be more dishonest, wouldnt ya? Have you heard of the saying "schemes are useless infront of overwhelming power"? Yeah, sometimes tricks, sneak attacks and schemes are useless against a enemy that is "too" strong. Infact, the emperors themselves arent stupid, its just that the power their dynasty has is too weak to even resist, or cause any damage to repell the enemies. This novel's rating is honestly low-balled, and downplayed with bias mixed heavily mixed into it. Realistically speaking, the novel deserves 4.9 overall. Read the mtl, as you'll see the good side of the novel perhaps, and have an tunnel-vision like many others.

While I already replied to your longer comment. I'll say I like your use of analogies, unwitting as they may be.

JustABoxWithAmmo:Again, HE is low-key, as nobody really knows of his existence that much, and even then, he isnt so invested in being that much of a low-key. This review is the same as not paying attention to your surroundings when the traffic lights turn green, and you start walking like an idiot.

Fair enough, my point there was weak, thus I shall change it: As we know (Or I, myself know, as I have read further beyond the mtl, that the MC loves his brother - No, its not like that, more like a true family would do) MC only has had one OR two loved one's, and that is his brother,( So far) and nephew. MC says THAT he doesnt want to help, and here is what you can interpret: "I wont go out to help publicly, FOR now, but will help in a low-key and under the guise of an "unknown expert" MC said to him that he will help out with ANYTHING (To the Yuan Emperor, or his brother) he needs help in = Your duties, or your job that you have. This would still apply to what the MC said later on, despite him saying to his nephew "I wont help you out that much nephew, as you should do your job more by yourself" Or "I wont help out" In which he does it anyway, as he promised previously, and even then, he also got familiar with his nephew, and isnt so "indifferent" or "cold" to both. He later on states that those two are his "loved-one's", family, basically, but most importantly, to his nephew. If he were to say "I wont help you emperors/dynasty out" BEFORE any of these, then you would be right.... But alas, thats not the case So we have an statement about him wanting to help out his brother, in which it may be "anything" and that his brother agrees to it, which is basically saying that I would solve your problems, and he himself (MC) asks why his brother wants to do all of this, confused as to why he would go to such lengths to help out his dynasty, and the answer he got more or less, shocked him, and made him more volunteering (Did I spell that right?) to helping out his brother and saving the country. His cat companion, also knows well enough to say "You say you wont help, but you do it anyways" is basically saying that he is more or less, tsundere.... in a way, lol. Would you take an tsundere's answer to your heart when they say they wont "help" you out? Nahhh. Obviously not.

screwyoujerks:Okay let's go point by point... Your start off with the arguement "He didnt say HE would NEVER help." But the issue there is that you follow it up with your own added comments to his statement with, paraphrasing, "He would help them enough to survive" which is like saying when somebody said "I'm not going to eat meat" but the next day they do. You say they only meant for that day. Which while may be true, there is no context (until they eat meat again) that's what they meant. Secondly, when I referred to dumb people it is purely because they displayed poor management skills that without the power of Plot Armor and the MC friendship power, would cause mass devastation to the structure of the goverment and country. If you're into politics you know what I mean and if you're not then you dont wanna hear. I also dont wanna waste more time on the book. Thirdly, I think cliches can be a good thing, if the rest of the story is written well. However this story is not, or atleast to the degree that it counter acts the inherently monotonous feel cliches can give. If the sign-in Idea had fewer books, the book setting in a different location, or intriguing characters. The cliches this book hit might just be a warm comfort or hype for the plot points you know are going to follow. So in the end I dont find your points convincing and I reply in the hope others dont either.

You're not being clear enough on your second point: Corrupted officials/Enemies of the dynasty or? Also, its a cultivation world, so its not like what you expect either, as that would be appealing to reality, tbh.

screwyoujerks:Okay let's go point by point... Your start off with the arguement "He didnt say HE would NEVER help." But the issue there is that you follow it up with your own added comments to his statement with, paraphrasing, "He would help them enough to survive" which is like saying when somebody said "I'm not going to eat meat" but the next day they do. You say they only meant for that day. Which while may be true, there is no context (until they eat meat again) that's what they meant. Secondly, when I referred to dumb people it is purely because they displayed poor management skills that without the power of Plot Armor and the MC friendship power, would cause mass devastation to the structure of the goverment and country. If you're into politics you know what I mean and if you're not then you dont wanna hear. I also dont wanna waste more time on the book. Thirdly, I think cliches can be a good thing, if the rest of the story is written well. However this story is not, or atleast to the degree that it counter acts the inherently monotonous feel cliches can give. If the sign-in Idea had fewer books, the book setting in a different location, or intriguing characters. The cliches this book hit might just be a warm comfort or hype for the plot points you know are going to follow. So in the end I dont find your points convincing and I reply in the hope others dont either.

Mean cant really tell which one is first but yeah I feel that.

Cry_Maker:funnily enough, this looks like a copy of sign in buddha novel, just worse


JustABoxWithAmmo:Your review, and as well as the others who give out a pretty bad "review" is honestly weak. Low-key? Says he doesnt want to help, but does it anyway, and now you consider this as "bad"? Mate, you are being entirely dishonest, and just intentionally giving out a bad review here. MC never said that HE will NEVER help them out in any way possible. He is only giving them a push, and even then, he doesnt break the "promise" he has made.. Though, that promise is more of an "I wont help you 100% and carry you, but I will give you the pushes to survive longer, and develop faster" What about that cliche? Isnt that the same as saying as you, or everybody else doing their routine over and over again is considered as "cliche"? Y'know, the "cliche" excuse is starting to get pathetically awful. It's like somebody is trying to hide their bias beneath the excuse of "cliche", but fails so badly. You're like that guy who says "my taste matures, thus cliches are boring" That's not how a story is made to be good, its all about the plot, structure of the world and character development/human-like personality. Dumb characters? Yeah.... sure sure, be more dishonest, wouldnt ya? Have you heard of the saying "schemes are useless infront of overwhelming power"? Yeah, sometimes tricks, sneak attacks and schemes are useless against a enemy that is "too" strong. Infact, the emperors themselves arent stupid, its just that the power their dynasty has is too weak to even resist, or cause any damage to repell the enemies. This novel's rating is honestly low-balled, and downplayed with bias mixed heavily mixed into it. Realistically speaking, the novel deserves 4.9 overall. Read the mtl, as you'll see the good side of the novel perhaps, and have an tunnel-vision like many others.

Another fool. Why am I not surprised?


ahahah lol

JustABoxWithAmmo:Another fool. Why am I not surprised?

Try Help! I’m just an NPC in a dangerous game!


the only thing wasting my time here is reading your comment