
Review Detail of Inn0cent_S0ul in World Devouring System

Détail de l’examen


Overall a good read, I'll point out a few points which I really liked. Your writing style is very interesting and it makes people read more, it would be better if you can edit your chapters one more time before you upload. The plot is good and I genuinely felt bad for the things she went through and all up for the revenge part with the system. Good work Author!!

World Devouring System


Aimé par 1 personnes




I tend to edit after upload since I'm a lone ranger, also may you point out some parts you found errors?


I won't comment on grammar, since mine is not that much better. I just noticed you didn't capitalize the first letter of the names in many places. The second was punctuation, you forgot it in quite a few dialogues. Well, I too do the last mistake sometimes, so, don't worry it's quite common. LoL. Overall you are doing good.


Oh the names that aren't capitalized is due to auto correct, I hate it but its useful.

Inn0cent_S0ul:I won't comment on grammar, since mine is not that much better. I just noticed you didn't capitalize the first letter of the names in many places. The second was punctuation, you forgot it in quite a few dialogues. Well, I too do the last mistake sometimes, so, don't worry it's quite common. LoL. Overall you are doing good.