
Review Detail of DaoistyNEXKo in Overgeared: Crossroad of the past and future

Détail de l’examen


I made this account just to write this review, thabk you for this amazing read! At first i thought it would a generic action novel fanfic with pure action and fights but i found myself drawn to the characters and world rather than the fights themselves. You always brought new interesting ideas and elements to the story. Nothing seemed to pop up out of nowhere, it's as if all the events were gradually flowing into the world. But what i liked the most was how you showed the characters' bonds through subtle words and how the title of the fanfic may at first seem completely random(i thought of the quest Crossroad of good and evil when i read it and thought it was just inspired by it) but eventually proves to be a very accurate description of the overall events. I hope you'll write similar fanfics when you get the chance!

Overgeared: Crossroad of the past and future


Aimé par 2 personnes




Thank you for your kind comment! I am genuinely happy that you were able to enjoy it despite its flaws and glad not much felt out of place haha. And yes, indeed! my goal was to make the title seem just ''cool'' and random at first and gradually explain through the events how it reflects the actual story. I will definitely write more if I am motivated and free enough since I greatly enjoy writing that type of stuff (given I also have the write inspiration/idea for the story of course). Thank you again and Have a great day!