
Review Detail of DarKing93 in I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

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seriously that F*** editor chose to pick this sorry excuse for a novel over Tankiny Mage what drugs do I have to take or who's a** do I have to lick to become an editor on WB

I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Eat Apples Late at Night

Aimé par 50 personnes




I've also a few novels I added to my library that didn't get picked so I wouldn't forget them if they ever came around again, but so far not a single one saw the light of day! Beginning with the Ubume Bird Extraordinary David Ancestor Above Heretic Apothecary Genius The Era of Gods The Luckiest Man Plus a couple more, meanwhile we've had like 3 or 4 months straight of extremely average pet novels getting in every other week... The only exception I can recall was recently Fantasy Simulator, if I'm not mistaken it was taken out of the pool, then came back and was chosen, and it's not half bad!

VEGEKU:currently, we have encountered a very big problem and that is the comments and views of the readers are basically have no effect on the selection of the new novels. Webnovel and Translators and editors will do as they want and this isn't the first time that a trashy novel will be selected over the good one for sample "game of the world tree" that forgotten completely !!!!!! If Webnovel wants to do this way so what is the use o this vote and... it has become laughingstock and joke selection.

hoped tanky mage gets picked too, best novel i have seen here in a while.


Yeah I’m digusted ! I was waiting day and night for Tanky Mage to get picked by an Editor for over 1 month and when I saw that Tanky Mage was the curently have (Yesterday) highest number of fans, I was hoping that An Editor will pick. BUT, WTF . On 5 days(or something), Tanky Mage was the highest that have Fans but, Now I have the impression that the f*cking Editor was waiting that WBN remove Tanky Mage of the list and choose instead this f*cking novel. Can someone explain me WhY ?!!


You need to have terrible taste for novels and Suck at managing things before you can get this editor job. 🤷🏻‍♂️


currently, we have encountered a very big problem and that is the comments and views of the readers are basically have no effect on the selection of the new novels. Webnovel and Translators and editors will do as they want and this isn't the first time that a trashy novel will be selected over the good one for sample "game of the world tree" that forgotten completely !!!!!! If Webnovel wants to do this way so what is the use o this vote and... it has become laughingstock and joke selection.


they measure by thr the amoubt of money that can be earned by a book and reducing costs to the bare minimum. hiring cheap translators with bad quality in large amounts to earn as much money as possible. they were also most likely bribed to choose certain stories

Shinesan:Yeah I’m digusted ! I was waiting day and night for Tanky Mage to get picked by an Editor for over 1 month and when I saw that Tanky Mage was the curently have (Yesterday) highest number of fans, I was hoping that An Editor will pick. BUT, WTF . On 5 days(or something), Tanky Mage was the highest that have Fans but, Now I have the impression that the f*cking Editor was waiting that WBN remove Tanky Mage of the list and choose instead this f*cking novel. Can someone explain me WhY ?!!

It's pretty unfair to think that editors are really making a choice. They are just employees without power to make decissions. Pain in the ass but... Money is king.


this is why if I found a great novel that I like, I will start reading MTL instead of waiting for it to be pick


so... you dare to sacrifice your brain cells?

PixelKid:this is why if I found a great novel that I like, I will start reading MTL instead of waiting for it to be pick

yeah, ive been reading MTL since a yr ago...

Master_of_Loli:so... you dare to sacrifice your brain cells?

Don't even get me started about novels that are ****ed over. If we want to complain we should start with the novels that did get picked but got dropped mid through the translation. I've lost more than these three but they are the ones that I enjoyed the most so I'm much more butt hurt about them. Kingdom's Bloodline, Sword of Dawnbreaker, and Warlock Apprentice. All three were dropped with no explanation or warning given. Kingdom's Bloodline has 5.5 million views. Sword of Dawnbreaker 1.7 million (with only 250 chapters translated). Warlock Apprentice has over 1k chapters translated and 3.4 million views. Webnovel can suck a fat c%ck.


All the f*ckery with novel selection is why I've stopped reading novels that aren't picked and without checking to see if it was dropped by the author