
Review Detail of lbaro97 in Outdoor Webcast

Détail de l’examen


This novel is refreshingly different. Well written, an interesting plot with a grounded main character and thankfully no face slapping so far. It is so nice to read about a character that is able to use his cocgnitive abilities in a humane and friendly way while exploring nature instead of being a homicidial sociopath for a change. To the author and translator, please keep it up. To all other readers, please vote for this story, because for once, it is worth it.

Outdoor Webcast

Night-Blooming Flower Falls

Aimé par 2 personnes




While this novel is quite good, it has some nationalism content. To be more specific, it's about Li ziqi's video in which she made kimchi, a Korean national dish but claimed it's from China. The relationship between China and other Asian countries has been tense recently because China claim that others culture is theirs. Anyway, the author support the notion that Kimchi is from China so for me even if the novel is entertaining, it's a nope