
Review Detail of Boilala in Stellar God Of Machinary

Détail de l’examen


Hello there I am here to do a shameless review as well as to say some things. So first I rate the writing quality a 3 since I am by no means a professional writer. There are plenty of grammatical errors and missied commas. Thankfully it's usually 1 or 2 mistakes per chapter as I do try to proof read. Story development. A little fast passed but not to bad. Though there is a common issue of overexplaining. The author really likes the show dont tell method of writing so he will often leave some foreshadowing hints and such among the. main characters monologue. Charector desighn. Perfect. Just perfection. Unfortunately since this review was posted the amount of side charectors are minimal with most of the screen time being taken up by the main character. Uploading Stability. Perfect havent missed a day with the exception of a minor accident. World Building. Too few chapters to say anything yet. Now for the extra words. For all who plan to read please note that this story is in the first person perspective. Also while the central theme is scifi in the beggining there will be more of a focus on gods, excluding when the mc makes something. In which case I will try to be as detailed as possible.

Stellar God Of Machinary


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