
Review Detail of Spelloyal in Deleted

Détail de l’examen


Basically, another generic fanfic with op mc. In this the mc collects slaves and subordinates with an ability that gives control of their lives and deaths. The MC basically looks like those evil gamers using everything to get subordinates with ease, but telos as a subordinate starts to value their lives as much as their own. There are good and bad generic fanfics, I would say this one is not bad, I personally did not like it very much, but it was not annoying and boring like some others. For me what really bothered me was the instant mastery cheat, in addition to being a standard cheat that spoils most fanfics, the author does not explain how it works and uses it inconsistently. In a moment he spends hours immersed in weapon training as if he is understanding something, when he should just lunge and instantly master any weapon. In the meantime, the MC avoids cultivating because of the pain he would experience when he immediately dominates cultivation, as his instant mastery should make him instantly reach the highest level of cultivation, which is not at all reasonable. Cultivation is like doing exercises, even if you have a perfect understanding of it, you still need to practice the movements to slowly develop muscles and become stronger. If instant mastery would automatically push the MC cultivation to the maximum, you should do the same instantly giving perfect muscles when doing any physical exercise like push-ups or working out at the gym. In short, it's a generic fanfic with nothing special, but it can be interesting for those who specifically like op mc with instant mastery, creating an army of subordinates. If you like this you will like the fanfic, as well as any other generic fanfic of this kind.



Aimé par 19 personnes




Thanks for the honest review, really. To be honest, I was irritated as you written this, but after 5 minutes or so, I realized my ego was over the top, and I've written many mistakes, which I need to thank you for your long comments and reviews. Let's see the fact that the MC trained with cold weapons, as you know that training with cold weapons, it has more benefits than doing push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and those kinds of stuffs. If a reader like you perceive it as just the MC trying to 'master' the weapons, then it's my fault as the writer. But the cultivation, you really point it out, 'cause I just realized what I did. I can't possibly change the explanation as it would decrease the word counts goal that I set up for myself, but I'll try. But again, thank you for pointing out the mistakes I made and the honest review and comments.


Sorry for pissing you off, I sincerely wish I had written this review in a better way, but I have no confidence in my English and just used the Google translator, I'm sure I could have said the same thing in a more gentle way if my English was better. I wrote this review only in order to point out what I believe are the defects in your work so that you can improve and write better and better works in the future. I personally think you have a talent for being a good author, I don't really know how to explain it, but I've read several fanfics with errors and a similar level of quality, but their mutations were just so annoying and annoying I had to force myself to the chapter 10 just to be able to give an honest review that I wouldn't regret. While I didn't like your fanfic for being a type I don't like (as some don't like action or harem), I have to admit that although I don't like it because of the collection of subordinates, your fanfic still it is interesting, from my point of view you only lack more skills and experience as an author and that comes with effort and practice.

Mikejd:Thanks for the honest review, really. To be honest, I was irritated as you written this, but after 5 minutes or so, I realized my ego was over the top, and I've written many mistakes, which I need to thank you for your long comments and reviews. Let's see the fact that the MC trained with cold weapons, as you know that training with cold weapons, it has more benefits than doing push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and those kinds of stuffs. If a reader like you perceive it as just the MC trying to 'master' the weapons, then it's my fault as the writer. But the cultivation, you really point it out, 'cause I just realized what I did. I can't possibly change the explanation as it would decrease the word counts goal that I set up for myself, but I'll try. But again, thank you for pointing out the mistakes I made and the honest review and comments.