
Review Detail of FalseProphet_ in Hunter X Hunter: Grounded

Détail de l’examen


Great story but dropped when he wanted to make an organization. I am not saying I want him to be a loner but creating organization are pretty pointless and limit the possibilities of what you can do with the story. The organization will also slow down his progress a lot. Correct me if I am wrong but his goal was to be basically free and even though he would be the leader of the organization he wouldn't be free it is restricting. Anyways that is just what I think but it is very well written and I most likely will pick it back up later on.

Hunter X Hunter: Grounded


Aimé par 1 personnes




Hm? He wnated to create an organization for himself, not the other way around. He uses the organization, not the other way around. Does the MC seem like someone who would be bound by such things? You know what he did to the 1st organization he was part of once they tried to restrain him.


Ah I see well I was going to read anyways but this makes it better

HolyJoker:Hm? He wnated to create an organization for himself, not the other way around. He uses the organization, not the other way around. Does the MC seem like someone who would be bound by such things? You know what he did to the 1st organization he was part of once they tried to restrain him.