
Review Detail of John_Smalley_8471 in Ill Fortune

Détail de l’examen


I loved this story really the only complaint I could possibly have is I feel like it needs to be proof read one more time for small typos other than that I hope there is a sequel

Ill Fortune

PR Adams

Aimé par 1 personnes




Thanks, John. When I publish this myself, I’ll run it past my editor and proofreader, as I do with my other novels. Web novels and other serialized works often have a schedule that precludes the normal rigorous editing process. As an example, take a look at Stephen King’s “The Green Mile.” For “Ill Fortune,” the pace was so aggressive, most of my beta readers couldn’t keep up. That’s where the most egregious errors get caught. I hope you understand, and I’m very happy to see that you enjoyed the story, regardless. 😀


to be honest it was such a minor inconvenience as to be negligible that was just the only thing I thought that could possibly improve the writing ...ps thank for the response I think this is the first response from a writer that wasn't either outright or borderline monosyllabic


I imagine that’s the cost of internet chat. The norm seems to be a simplified form of the standard. It’s certainly faster. 😀

John_Smalley_8471:to be honest it was such a minor inconvenience as to be negligible that was just the only thing I thought that could possibly improve the writing ...ps thank for the response I think this is the first response from a writer that wasn't either outright or borderline monosyllabic