
Review Detail of Tiny_writer in Transmigration in Against the Gods (AU)

Détail de l’examen


This is my first review. my celestial thoughts on this "absurd" fanfic.... I am truly disappointed in you, author!! This is the "worst" atg fanfic ever I read. All the chapters here are nothing but fillers. This story does not have any base at all. and this mc I mean your mc is nothing but shit oh! sorry I mean he's more worst than that. Seriously even after reading all the chapter (which put stress on me to complete it ) I did not enjoy a bit after reading your work. But I understood that you want to do something different from other atg fanfic but this only made this fanfic even worst!!!! Is this really au I mean Yun Che has the same profound energy at the blue wind tournament?????? I have a doubt whether the author knows about atg. My question did you follow the light novels or manga??? ---------- your mc is really twisted!! he is more an idiot than Yun Che -------- Your mc don't know about atg (atg novel) but he just does some shitty hypothesis on the character and concludes his or her nature. This is nothing but bullshit. ******* I hope the author read atg again and only then restart writing this fanfic of yours....... ***** For author I don't know why this fanfic is at the top which literally doesn't have a story. but after thinking for a while I understood that you achieved this due to your Stabe Updates "only" . I think if you stop your updates even for at least 1-2 weeks it will all its ranking. -------- "Put your mind on the story, not on the updates" if you continue to follow these shitty ways it will make this fanfic stink more than it does. ------- *sigh* they are only my thought on this fanfic and I don't want to offend the author or anything. ...........*sigh* this innocent me.... Note: I am not good with this English at all... I struggled to write this for a lot of time.. Although I couldn't complete my thoughts I will leave you hope this may be helpful as these are my true and genuine thougts

Transmigration in Against the Gods (AU)


Aimé par 51 personnes




See? This is where we don't see eye to eye. Her jealousy is exactly where her humanity is...she is human explicitly due to these feelings unlike those ice statues from Asgard. And I am not sure what do you mean by those *** slaves... I mean, it's obvious that you like Frozen Asgard which isn't wrong but it only means that your opinion is biased...(I am not saying that mine isn't as I don't really care about Asgard) There is no need to argue as we are both biased and see things differently. There is always good and wrong in everything we do, it just depends from which POV are we looking from. She might have hurt Asgard and Yun Che but on the other hand, she might have helped other people which is good, isn't it? In that kind of world, good and evil don't exist, they are just words meant to be misused.

Le contenu a été supprimé

...Okay I guess there is no need to even reply in any extended way since you typed that Yun Che has the same cultivation level during the blue wind tournament. It literally makes me want to delete your review as it has even wrong information that could mislead people. You are saying that MC is worse than Yun Che...but you don't bother writing what qualities are worse. Another thing...almost no one complains about MC, yet you are so hating him here, interesting... I guess you would like to only see rape and mass killing but I understand, everyone has their own tastes. As for chapters being fillers...why is this novel currently in the top 10 fanfics when it has only filler chapters? I tried creating something new in ATG and people seem to like it. And that only my stable update got me to the top 10? And which novel didn't you f****** idi*t?! Do you think people will give stones to the fan-fic that isn't updated?! It's a way to encourage the author to continue and keep releasing more chapters so of course, if I hadn't updated this for 1-2 weeks there would be no stones like any other fuc**** fan-fic dumbass! Sorry for being rude but this can't even be called a review. I get for you, it can be the worst ATG fanfic and I am perfectly fine with it but bringing wrong facts here, telling me to re-read ATG while you think that Yun Che had 7th level of True Profound Realm during the tournament in the original...Don't teach others when you aren't qualified to do so. Another thing, you can be disappointed in my fan-fic but you have no right to be disappointed in me, well, after this rude reply you may be. :) Have a nice day!


Yufeng is a person who gets jealous of chu yuechan and loves her husband dearly. Her jealously made Chu yuecahn suffer in orginal novel. As for me she is cunning and has a dark personality. But the mc mistaken her true nature and pitied her and even glared at her husband without any particular reason. I don't why he wants to put his finger in their business.

darvom:...Okay I guess there is no need to even reply in any extended way since you typed that Yun Che has the same cultivation level during the blue wind tournament. It literally makes me want to delete your review as it has even wrong information that could mislead people. You are saying that MC is worse than Yun Che...but you don't bother writing what qualities are worse. Another thing...almost no one complains about MC, yet you are so hating him here, interesting... I guess you would like to only see rape and mass killing but I understand, everyone has their own tastes. As for chapters being fillers...why is this novel currently in the top 10 fanfics when it has only filler chapters? I tried creating something new in ATG and people seem to like it. And that only my stable update got me to the top 10? And which novel didn't you f****** idi*t?! Do you think people will give stones to the fan-fic that isn't updated?! It's a way to encourage the author to continue and keep releasing more chapters so of course, if I hadn't updated this for 1-2 weeks there would be no stones like any other fuc**** fan-fic dumbass! Sorry for being rude but this can't even be called a review. I get for you, it can be the worst ATG fanfic and I am perfectly fine with it but bringing wrong facts here, telling me to re-read ATG while you think that Yun Che had 7th level of True Profound Realm during the tournament in the original...Don't teach others when you aren't qualified to do so. Another thing, you can be disappointed in my fan-fic but you have no right to be disappointed in me, well, after this rude reply you may be. :) Have a nice day!

in original fanfic, her husband only wanted to talk to chu yuechan and do not have anything more over her as he was married. he had one side crush for a long time so at least he wanted to talk to her for once. the changes you made seem you ntr'ed him

darvom:...Okay I guess there is no need to even reply in any extended way since you typed that Yun Che has the same cultivation level during the blue wind tournament. It literally makes me want to delete your review as it has even wrong information that could mislead people. You are saying that MC is worse than Yun Che...but you don't bother writing what qualities are worse. Another thing...almost no one complains about MC, yet you are so hating him here, interesting... I guess you would like to only see rape and mass killing but I understand, everyone has their own tastes. As for chapters being fillers...why is this novel currently in the top 10 fanfics when it has only filler chapters? I tried creating something new in ATG and people seem to like it. And that only my stable update got me to the top 10? And which novel didn't you f****** idi*t?! Do you think people will give stones to the fan-fic that isn't updated?! It's a way to encourage the author to continue and keep releasing more chapters so of course, if I hadn't updated this for 1-2 weeks there would be no stones like any other fuc**** fan-fic dumbass! Sorry for being rude but this can't even be called a review. I get for you, it can be the worst ATG fanfic and I am perfectly fine with it but bringing wrong facts here, telling me to re-read ATG while you think that Yun Che had 7th level of True Profound Realm during the tournament in the original...Don't teach others when you aren't qualified to do so. Another thing, you can be disappointed in my fan-fic but you have no right to be disappointed in me, well, after this rude reply you may be. :) Have a nice day!

Aaaah! So it is the pairing that made you write such a review. You know, it's pretty shallow to just look at it from one POV without looking at the other side. She didn't even attack Frozen Cloud Asgard until even her son seemed to follow in his father's footsteps. If she wanted to, she could have gotten rid of her when she was still young and not strong enough. I am sorry but I don't really want to have any kind of discussion with the person who isn't even willing to listen to other side's story. It just shows how much shallow of person you are.

Tiny_writer:Yufeng is a person who gets jealous of chu yuechan and loves her husband dearly. Her jealously made Chu yuecahn suffer in orginal novel. As for me she is cunning and has a dark personality. But the mc mistaken her true nature and pitied her and even glared at her husband without any particular reason. I don't why he wants to put his finger in their business.

There is no NTR and no, he didn't want to just talk to her. Or...yes he wanted to just talk to her but that didn't mean that he didn't love her (lusted for her)

Tiny_writer:in original fanfic, her husband only wanted to talk to chu yuechan and do not have anything more over her as he was married. he had one side crush for a long time so at least he wanted to talk to her for once. the changes you made seem you ntr'ed him

Well, I am not so good at expressing myself, and the way you took it seems like you still haven't known what I wanted to say. So, here I am once again typing a more detailed review. Delete it, if you feel this is bad. I just want to point out to you some ways you could improve yourselves. Not everyone is perfect, and I admit it. But, using it as an excuse is a big fat no. I just read ATG long back, maybe I am not much into details but whenever I read your fanfic, one thing which I'm sure of is that this is not the ATG I have read. It could be said partly because of you adding an OC in this world. It's for a good change and I agree with you. If at all, you are new writer here, then I wouldn't care much but as you are already at the top and still continue to write in the same way, I just get disheartened and all. Doing through your drafts and checking whether you're doing it a good job or not, you get it. That's all. Have a good day!

darvom:...Okay I guess there is no need to even reply in any extended way since you typed that Yun Che has the same cultivation level during the blue wind tournament. It literally makes me want to delete your review as it has even wrong information that could mislead people. You are saying that MC is worse than Yun Che...but you don't bother writing what qualities are worse. Another thing...almost no one complains about MC, yet you are so hating him here, interesting... I guess you would like to only see rape and mass killing but I understand, everyone has their own tastes. As for chapters being fillers...why is this novel currently in the top 10 fanfics when it has only filler chapters? I tried creating something new in ATG and people seem to like it. And that only my stable update got me to the top 10? And which novel didn't you f****** idi*t?! Do you think people will give stones to the fan-fic that isn't updated?! It's a way to encourage the author to continue and keep releasing more chapters so of course, if I hadn't updated this for 1-2 weeks there would be no stones like any other fuc**** fan-fic dumbass! Sorry for being rude but this can't even be called a review. I get for you, it can be the worst ATG fanfic and I am perfectly fine with it but bringing wrong facts here, telling me to re-read ATG while you think that Yun Che had 7th level of True Profound Realm during the tournament in the original...Don't teach others when you aren't qualified to do so. Another thing, you can be disappointed in my fan-fic but you have no right to be disappointed in me, well, after this rude reply you may be. :) Have a nice day!

Why don't you take this from her husband's POV then? Chu Yuechan was his first love and he can't get over it. It doesn't seem much illogical then.

darvom:Aaaah! So it is the pairing that made you write such a review. You know, it's pretty shallow to just look at it from one POV without looking at the other side. She didn't even attack Frozen Cloud Asgard until even her son seemed to follow in his father's footsteps. If she wanted to, she could have gotten rid of her when she was still young and not strong enough. I am sorry but I don't really want to have any kind of discussion with the person who isn't even willing to listen to other side's story. It just shows how much shallow of person you are.

Yufeng just forced him to marry her but never gave a choice to her, is what I remember. Do correct me if I'm wrong though.

darvom:There is no NTR and no, he didn't want to just talk to her. Or...yes he wanted to just talk to her but that didn't mean that he didn't love her (lusted for her)

*HAHAHA* Yufeng never forced anyone. She fell in love with him and HE used her feelings to marry her for her status. He used her status to make the connection to one of the sacred grounds! And he married her despite being in "love" with Chu Yuechan. Despite her status, he kept sneaking out to look at Chu Yuechan, acting as if she will forgive him for everything no matter what.

Tiny_writer:Yufeng just forced him to marry her but never gave a choice to her, is what I remember. Do correct me if I'm wrong though.

I may be a shallow person, but I try to tell you somethings which make you shallower than me. You only took her POV and say she did it for her son's sake. Ok... So, she planned to kill whomever she seems wrong. She is using her power to do things and this is what makes her a villain. If you're so pressed on taking the POV of other side characters, you have plenty to take them and still, it does get you nowhere. Everyone there has the same mentality more or less. But what makes me unable to read your fanfic is that your MC assumes everything from seeing and this is what makes him shallower than anyone. You just forced to pair Yufeng to MC, which isn't right. That's all to say. I translated it, there'll be mistakes, and thank you for your time. Have a great day ahead!

darvom:There is no NTR and no, he didn't want to just talk to her. Or...yes he wanted to just talk to her but that didn't mean that he didn't love her (lusted for her)

" If at all, you are a new writer here, then I wouldn't care much but as you are already at the top and still continue to write in the same way" And how the **** should I write? How should I change it? Like..you are acting like some kind of Shakespeare, knowing how to write but let me tell you that there is no correct way how to write. People have different tastes. If you know so much that my writing is bad, tell me how YOU would do it? Oh wait...you are a new account, ah, you are a troll. Sorry for not seeing it sooner.

Tiny_writer:Well, I am not so good at expressing myself, and the way you took it seems like you still haven't known what I wanted to say. So, here I am once again typing a more detailed review. Delete it, if you feel this is bad. I just want to point out to you some ways you could improve yourselves. Not everyone is perfect, and I admit it. But, using it as an excuse is a big fat no. I just read ATG long back, maybe I am not much into details but whenever I read your fanfic, one thing which I'm sure of is that this is not the ATG I have read. It could be said partly because of you adding an OC in this world. It's for a good change and I agree with you. If at all, you are new writer here, then I wouldn't care much but as you are already at the top and still continue to write in the same way, I just get disheartened and all. Doing through your drafts and checking whether you're doing it a good job or not, you get it. That's all. Have a good day!

I agree on that. But look at it this way, can he downright reject her proposal. Would it be possible? I suppose, if he intends to survive in a cultivation world, he should adhere to the rules. It might not be love and just an attraction he felt towards her with just her beauty. Even the Blue Wind Emperor Cang Wanhe himself was attracted to Chu Yuechan as she was the number one beauty of the Empire. It's true. To give limelight to someone, you need to get someone else low, I get it. But breaking the couple apart isn't right. What couple doesn't get into quarrels? At last, it depends on Yufeng whether she had the capability to make him love her. That's what I firmly believe. And thank you for not just keeping silent and replying...

darvom:*HAHAHA* Yufeng never forced anyone. She fell in love with him and HE used her feelings to marry her for her status. He used her status to make the connection to one of the sacred grounds! And he married her despite being in "love" with Chu Yuechan. Despite her status, he kept sneaking out to look at Chu Yuechan, acting as if she will forgive him for everything no matter what.

I just created this account to review your work.

darvom:" If at all, you are a new writer here, then I wouldn't care much but as you are already at the top and still continue to write in the same way" And how the **** should I write? How should I change it? Like..you are acting like some kind of Shakespeare, knowing how to write but let me tell you that there is no correct way how to write. People have different tastes. If you know so much that my writing is bad, tell me how YOU would do it? Oh wait...you are a new account, ah, you are a troll. Sorry for not seeing it sooner.

I'm not telling you that you write badly. If you understand it that way I'm truly sorry. I just go by emotions so I couldn't write it properly, I apologize. Taking references from some other fanfics can give you a good understanding of how you want to progress your story.

darvom:" If at all, you are a new writer here, then I wouldn't care much but as you are already at the top and still continue to write in the same way" And how the **** should I write? How should I change it? Like..you are acting like some kind of Shakespeare, knowing how to write but let me tell you that there is no correct way how to write. People have different tastes. If you know so much that my writing is bad, tell me how YOU would do it? Oh wait...you are a new account, ah, you are a troll. Sorry for not seeing it sooner.

We don't see how they became a couple so let's not get into these details. Fine, it is on her to make him love her but it was explicitly said that he married her for her status which usually means on his own volition. He could have married anyone else which would make her lose interest as her status was high enough not to marry someone lower who already has a wife. What couple doesn't get into quarrels? - He literally doesn't care about her. During the tournament, he literally comforted her that she shouldn't worry about Chu Yuechan while thinking 'She is here! She really came!' WTF DISGUSTING. He has a lower status than her yet he is acting like he can do whatever he wants and he later also realized this when he wanted to go help Frozen Cloud Asgard but his wife disagreed with him and then he realized he lost "control" of her. Do you call a "couple" 2 people when one of them is trying to "control" another using their feelings?

Tiny_writer:I agree on that. But look at it this way, can he downright reject her proposal. Would it be possible? I suppose, if he intends to survive in a cultivation world, he should adhere to the rules. It might not be love and just an attraction he felt towards her with just her beauty. Even the Blue Wind Emperor Cang Wanhe himself was attracted to Chu Yuechan as she was the number one beauty of the Empire. It's true. To give limelight to someone, you need to get someone else low, I get it. But breaking the couple apart isn't right. What couple doesn't get into quarrels? At last, it depends on Yufeng whether she had the capability to make him love her. That's what I firmly believe. And thank you for not just keeping silent and replying...

It's not at all love in the first place. During the time since she gave birth to two of her children, and now she has realized this thing. As far as I remember, she took a liking to her husband when he went to meet her father or something of that sort. She named it love and proposed to him based on base-less feelings which got her nowhere. She had two sons with him and now she realized that she was fooled. What logic is this? I don't understand. What I want to say is that MC looked at her with pity just as his eyes landed on her and looked at her husband in disgust. What kind of thinking can get you to think this way? You can do it a lot better if you focus on building it up a bit further. Don't just speed up things just for the sake of it and fill the chapter full of words. I appreciate you for listening to your readers, it's rare to find someone like this. Have a great day ahead!

darvom:We don't see how they became a couple so let's not get into these details. Fine, it is on her to make him love her but it was explicitly said that he married her for her status which usually means on his own volition. He could have married anyone else which would make her lose interest as her status was high enough not to marry someone lower who already has a wife. What couple doesn't get into quarrels? - He literally doesn't care about her. During the tournament, he literally comforted her that she shouldn't worry about Chu Yuechan while thinking 'She is here! She really came!' WTF DISGUSTING. He has a lower status than her yet he is acting like he can do whatever he wants and he later also realized this when he wanted to go help Frozen Cloud Asgard but his wife disagreed with him and then he realized he lost "control" of her. Do you call a "couple" 2 people when one of them is trying to "control" another using their feelings?

It was a known fact that her husband was infatuated with Chu Yuechan and MC saw how he was looking at her while they were greeting them together with his wife...He was looking at her with dreamy eyes when his own fucking wife was near him. It fucking disgusted MC.

Tiny_writer:It's not at all love in the first place. During the time since she gave birth to two of her children, and now she has realized this thing. As far as I remember, she took a liking to her husband when he went to meet her father or something of that sort. She named it love and proposed to him based on base-less feelings which got her nowhere. She had two sons with him and now she realized that she was fooled. What logic is this? I don't understand. What I want to say is that MC looked at her with pity just as his eyes landed on her and looked at her husband in disgust. What kind of thinking can get you to think this way? You can do it a lot better if you focus on building it up a bit further. Don't just speed up things just for the sake of it and fill the chapter full of words. I appreciate you for listening to your readers, it's rare to find someone like this. Have a great day ahead!

If her husband really married someone other than her, I don't think he would survive to date. That's the character I assume she has. As you said if at all, she lost interest in him when he married someone other than her, her relationship which she assumed is much shallower.

darvom:We don't see how they became a couple so let's not get into these details. Fine, it is on her to make him love her but it was explicitly said that he married her for her status which usually means on his own volition. He could have married anyone else which would make her lose interest as her status was high enough not to marry someone lower who already has a wife. What couple doesn't get into quarrels? - He literally doesn't care about her. During the tournament, he literally comforted her that she shouldn't worry about Chu Yuechan while thinking 'She is here! She really came!' WTF DISGUSTING. He has a lower status than her yet he is acting like he can do whatever he wants and he later also realized this when he wanted to go help Frozen Cloud Asgard but his wife disagreed with him and then he realized he lost "control" of her. Do you call a "couple" 2 people when one of them is trying to "control" another using their feelings?

He couldn't act like others. The one with whom he was infatuated came to visit his place after a very long time, if at all he didn't act like that there would be something wrong with him of course. It was described the Frozen Cloud Women charm was like that, what can he do?

darvom:It was a known fact that her husband was infatuated with Chu Yuechan and MC saw how he was looking at her while they were greeting them together with his wife...He was looking at her with dreamy eyes when his own fucking wife was near him. It fucking disgusted MC.

This isn't a modern world, to begin with. It's a cultivation world where beauty and skill take much importance compared to others. Many were similar to how her husband behaved, should MC rope all the other wives in the same way?

darvom:It was a known fact that her husband was infatuated with Chu Yuechan and MC saw how he was looking at her while they were greeting them together with his wife...He was looking at her with dreamy eyes when his own fucking wife was near him. It fucking disgusted MC.