
Review Detail of Heavenly_Rain in The Earth Is My Dantian

Détail de l’examen


This novel is not bad. I’ve seen people complaining about the MC’s world being all chinese; you got to understand the author point of view. It’s either he doesnt want to be racist so he make the people on Earth all chinese or It’s easier to write about something your grew up knowing. Imagine writing about Japan’s fanfiction and your Chinese, you would hit a lot of writter’s block and takes a lot of brain power. I do quite hate it when the MC was given such a pathic background and the boy met the girl in the river incidents and as well as having such a strong enemy from the very start. My observation skill is so good right? Don’t talk about my grimmer, I got a perfect 69% on my STAR in my 10th grade years. Is anyone proud of me?🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓😤😤🤓

The Earth Is My Dantian

Girl in Short Skirt

Aimé par 5 personnes




Just keep your mouth shut if you're too stupid to say anything decent. Too much work, he says. Pff. The name of this is research and any author, however mediocre, should do it if they hope to write something minimally decent about any subject. In addition, you provided an example so fucking retarded in your comment that I will destroy it with facts while trying not to have a fit of laughter. "Imagine writing about Japan’s fanfiction and your Chinese, you would hit a lot of writter’s block and takes a lot of brain power." Also known as Idle Fish Goes Ashore a Chinese guy who is also the author of NEET Receives a Dating Sim System a novel with a chinese mc in japan. A novel that is incomparably better than this piece of garbage that you are defending in all aspects. The novel cited is good enough to be able to maintain a score of 4.4 on this site with more than 800 chapters. And guess what? It is a story that takes place in Japan written by a Chinese author who described the country better than many light novels out there. I can cite more examples if your fragile ego and assumed ingenuity do not allow you to see the truth even when I rub the facts on your face, just ask. An author is not and never will be a real author if he doesn't care enough about his own story to at least research what he's writing because it's "too much work".


Man, you won a prize for sucking the Chinese ball, now, the problem is not that the world has only Chinese, the problem is in the next line, he says that if he had other countries, he would destroy it, you know what that is? kid.


i'm proud of you fol licking that chinese boot


Good job for licking authors cock and balls 👏


Lol just trying to be reasonable

OtherworldlyLizard:Good job for licking authors cock and balls 👏

This is a what if scenario, it’s like saying, “If you dear touch my food I’ll kill you.” Be reasonable

Clwxui:Man, you won a prize for sucking the Chinese ball, now, the problem is not that the world has only Chinese, the problem is in the next line, he says that if he had other countries, he would destroy it, you know what that is? kid.

Lol, your compliment was nothing. I was spoil since I was born.

humanaaaa:i'm proud of you fol licking that chinese boot

You guys must also understand that I’ve been using Webnovel for 3 years now. Through that three years, I’ve seen countless racist chinese novel


It is not hypothetical, the author has already done this, do you know why? because he said "The Earth Is My Dantian", in the title, and only has Chinese, that is, he destroyed everything by placing only Chinese, if it was just a fictional planet, or "I have a planet in my Dantian", but not only put "Earth", that is to say if it is earth he is referring to the planet we live on, not a fictional planet, but our planet.

Heavenly_Rain:This is a what if scenario, it’s like saying, “If you dear touch my food I’ll kill you.” Be reasonable

I also started the month before you, but I only created an account only in the 11th month, when I needed to save the novels I was reading.

Heavenly_Rain:You guys must also understand that I’ve been using Webnovel for 3 years now. Through that three years, I’ve seen countless racist chinese novel

Their’s a lot of novel where the author use Earth as a planet but completely different from the Earth we know. I Have an Alternate Earth as Dantine(Whatever you spell it) Thats just being more detail. Have you seen novel where they have a tittle of “The Strongest System” Or “History Number 1 Founder”, you expect the system to be the strongest but it turn out the Mc has to upgrade it. It was only until the last few chapter that System truly become the strongest. I’m just trying to say that just because it said Earth that doesn’t mean it will be the Earth we know

Clwxui:It is not hypothetical, the author has already done this, do you know why? because he said "The Earth Is My Dantian", in the title, and only has Chinese, that is, he destroyed everything by placing only Chinese, if it was just a fictional planet, or "I have a planet in my Dantian", but not only put "Earth", that is to say if it is earth he is referring to the planet we live on, not a fictional planet, but our planet.

The same goes for me, I use Novelplant before it was shut down. I’ve lost countless novel in my bookmarks list

Clwxui:I also started the month before you, but I only created an account only in the 11th month, when I needed to save the novels I was reading.

Hmmm, if you're saying, but I'm not going to change my opinion about what I think about this novel, and I'm not even going to try to change yours, bye.

Heavenly_Rain:Their’s a lot of novel where the author use Earth as a planet but completely different from the Earth we know. I Have an Alternate Earth as Dantine(Whatever you spell it) Thats just being more detail. Have you seen novel where they have a tittle of “The Strongest System” Or “History Number 1 Founder”, you expect the system to be the strongest but it turn out the Mc has to upgrade it. It was only until the last few chapter that System truly become the strongest. I’m just trying to say that just because it said Earth that doesn’t mean it will be the Earth we know

Same here, bye

Clwxui:Hmmm, if you're saying, but I'm not going to change my opinion about what I think about this novel, and I'm not even going to try to change yours, bye.

Heavenly_Rain:Lol just trying to be reasonable

This novel isn't even racist people are just stretching the term extremely far just to try and label this novel as "racist" based off the fact that the author made it simple by making everyone in the book Chinese, no language barriers or explanations needed. And for the side comment the mc made people need to either take it as a joke or ignore it simple as that, but there definitely isn't a need for all of their negatively on a relatively good novel(in my opinion).

Heavenly_Rain:You guys must also understand that I’ve been using Webnovel for 3 years now. Through that three years, I’ve seen countless racist chinese novel

LOL, all brawn but no brain


Lol, that’s exactly what I’m trying to explain to them. I don’t hate this novle but being unreasonable Is just stupid

Typical_Destroyer:This novel isn't even racist people are just stretching the term extremely far just to try and label this novel as "racist" based off the fact that the author made it simple by making everyone in the book Chinese, no language barriers or explanations needed. And for the side comment the mc made people need to either take it as a joke or ignore it simple as that, but there definitely isn't a need for all of their negatively on a relatively good novel(in my opinion).

The issues we have are as follows: The author called it Earth, yet took away all cultures but China. The following paragraph talks about how it’s fine because no one withiut Chinese origins would understand cultivation anyway. Which is quite the insult. The BLARING problem is that it is being TRANSLATED. Honestly, I’m more disappointed in this being translated globally. Our outrage is towards Webnovel for promoting extreme nationalism into a global market. As readers, this was extremely unpleasant. The author removed our country’s from his work, along with critizing our cultures. This is why it has bad reviews. It’s a review. I reviewed for my own satisfaction to let out my grievances, while also explaining to other possible readers what to expect.


The fact you’re flexing your big brain already makes you a normie. If you played off my response with a meme I’d accept the fact our opinions are different and go on with my day Go and shiw of your grades to your mommie, nerd

Heavenly_Rain:LOL, all brawn but no brain

That’s you :V

Heavenly_Rain:LOL, all brawn but no brain