
Review Detail of Theslayer351 in Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts

Détail de l’examen


This story is a gay romance. Boy love and stuffs... not my cup of tea but whatever. Just thought I'd let those out there, who saw the draco tag, know what it's on about.

Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts


Liked it!




Oh, and just so like you know I'm not a guy LOL

DiAngelo6002:Hi! So, I'm the Author, I'm really sorry if you think the tags were misleading. So the ones that I want to change are "Adventure" and "Comedy" but I can't since I've been trying to edit them but can't seem to do so. However, I do think that the other ones are relevant to the story. I'm sorry you didn't like it, because it contained a gay relationship as the main focus but if you can see one of the tags is "Solangelo" which is the ship name of Nico Di Angelo and Will Solace, a gay couple in the Percy Jackson series. Since the name of the book is "Nico Di Angelo At Hogwarts" I thought it was safe to assume that it would be centered in his journey in Hogwarts and that his significant other would also be a guy. Plus, most of the story isn't actually their relationship it is more about his experience in the magical world. I understand if you may not be attracted to this sort of plot. Anyways, I hope you have a great day and stay safe!

Dude if u ever read percy Jackson series u would know nico was gay so please U don’t have to mention what all percy jackson fans know in a biggoted way


Grow up dude. Learn to accept criticism, or you won't get far in life.

tactless91:Dude if u ever read percy Jackson series u would know nico was gay so please U don’t have to mention what all percy jackson fans know in a biggoted way

Says a biggot Who just hates on something because of his upbringing and views never giving it a chance. honestly if u look at the book and not care about the gay thing the story is actually interesting Dumbledore is literally trying to bring his sister back using nico in some way the plot is more interesting than a lot of other fics. Just try it if u can look beyond your same gender pairing views

Theslayer351:Grow up dude. Learn to accept criticism, or you won't get far in life.

Go ahead keep blocking my post. It will totally change what you read... not! Are you scared to leave them up for others to read, or are you in some sort of denial? I still think the tags would increase your views btw.


Umm i didn’t block your post but i agree the tags the author had shown are misleading and im sorry for the biggot coment just think giving a 1/5 review just for it being gay romance and not taking in the rest of the plot was harsh and again i agree 100% he should have at least mentioned that there would be BL in the summery

Theslayer351:Go ahead keep blocking my post. It will totally change what you read... not! Are you scared to leave them up for others to read, or are you in some sort of denial? I still think the tags would increase your views btw.

Hi! So, I'm the Author, I'm really sorry if you think the tags were misleading. So the ones that I want to change are "Adventure" and "Comedy" but I can't since I've been trying to edit them but can't seem to do so. However, I do think that the other ones are relevant to the story. I'm sorry you didn't like it, because it contained a gay relationship as the main focus but if you can see one of the tags is "Solangelo" which is the ship name of Nico Di Angelo and Will Solace, a gay couple in the Percy Jackson series. Since the name of the book is "Nico Di Angelo At Hogwarts" I thought it was safe to assume that it would be centered in his journey in Hogwarts and that his significant other would also be a guy. Plus, most of the story isn't actually their relationship it is more about his experience in the magical world. I understand if you may not be attracted to this sort of plot. Anyways, I hope you have a great day and stay safe!


Also, I haven't blocked your post, I swear.

DiAngelo6002:Oh, and just so like you know I'm not a guy LOL

lmao thanks for letting me know, i don't real BL