
Review Detail of Jasonenrick in Star Wars: The Golden Age

Détail de l’examen


Writing Quality 5-Stars Story Development 4-Stars Character Design 4-Stars Updating Stability 5-Stars World Background 5-Stars Writing Quality [ Not much to say here, just read it and you'll see it for yourself ] Story Development [ There are only 2 Chapters as of now and I really don't know where the Author is going with the Story . It is likely that the Mc will join the Jedi together with her sister *Spoiler* Ashoka Tano.] Character Design [ She(the Mc) doesn't seem Bland and seems to be a very round character. Something unique on Webnovel ;)! Well, there are still only two chapters and I don't know much about her personality etc etc but ...it seems promising.] Updating Stability [ As of now, there is a chapters each day, which is good ] World Background [ The Author seems be knowledgeable about the Star wars Universe even If it is only a bit but .....the Star wars Universe is very complex and only hard core fans would know very, very much about it.] It seems to be very promising but it isn't perfect ....but hell, nobody is perfect so... One of the only things I am sad about is that our Mc lost her memories because that's just making her more of an Oc than an Si and well, I like Si Mc's more because they have an actual Chance to change anything in the Story. Mc's without knowledge about the Star Wars Universe aren't able to change anything. I mean....Yoda wasn't able to Change anything, so one more Person without knowledge won't either. So I don't expect any major changes to the Star wars Story. Anakin will be a Sith and Papletine will be the Emperor, that won't change! And If it changes, which is not logical possible, than I really want to know how that'll happen! Another thing I don't understand is this Evil Cosmic entites thing because that just makes me as a reader not really able to enjoy the Book because I always have in mind that there are some Dark powerful Beings after her(Mc) . (An: English isn't my mother language and I usually don't prove read, so enjoy Imao🙃😈)

Star Wars: The Golden Age


Aimé par 2 personnes




Thank you for your review, as for your gripe with the inconsequentiality of a completely new character being introduced. It's my belief that through the potential of such a powerful new character ( someone on par with Anakin or slightly lesser) who has the assistance of a system that hasn't been fully explored yet. So I'm just as interested in how the future of the Star Wars future could be changed using this character. Thank you for your kind review. :)


The things that brother me is that the character doesn't have a good change to change anything . The only possibility is that she is maybe stronger than Anakin, which makes her the Chosen One but than she will be a Sith in the Future because the Chosen one is there to bring Balance in the Galaxy. But there are so many, probably over a 1000 +Jedi( light side) and only a few sith(dark side users). That means that the Chosen one has to be a Sith, the reason why Anakin went Dark. And If she has Talent on par with Anakin than that doesn't change the fact that Anakin will go Dark because the Cancelor(Palpatine) already has a good Grip on Anakin. Things like his mother dying etc etc will happen before our Mc can change anything and even than...our Mc doesn't know anything of it. So, the Main Story with the Empire has to happen in way or another. Or you go with some God bullshit and how they are helping her,than you can completly bullshit your way throught the Story but that wouldn't be cool At all. The best thing that could happen is our Mc going Dark because than we have her on the Dark side and Ahsoka on the light. Would be interessting to read!

Hyperma:Thank you for your review, as for your gripe with the inconsequentiality of a completely new character being introduced. It's my belief that through the potential of such a powerful new character ( someone on par with Anakin or slightly lesser) who has the assistance of a system that hasn't been fully explored yet. So I'm just as interested in how the future of the Star Wars future could be changed using this character. Thank you for your kind review. :)