
Review Detail of Weirdo in Technology Bigshot

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Damn, now the Chinese author even dare to directly use the real life person and company name... Its like "I may not invent Facebook or Iphone, but I surely can slap all of you in the face by smacking new tech that makes you drool and awe in my novel without fearing for sue because my country is backing me up!!"...

Technology Bigshot

Rock Panic

Aimé par 23 personnes




Honestly this review is hardly topical. If anything it’s a complaint that you dislike the author using irl people as characters in his story. Who cares?


What do you mean now? They have being doing it for nearly ten years. novels with the MC in Hollywood use real actors as characters and the author also writes their personality. There also had been a really big amount of novels with real people as characters, I once saw a harem novel with the author using Britney Spears as a damn female lead, besides other famous actresses. Bill Gates is also a common name in modern day Chinese novels.


Really? Man, I thought its a recent stuff... I didn't read much of modern genre Chinese novel anymore since they start the face slap toward the whole world and mc that carry their Huaxia nation nation solo... Dang, they put it in synopsis, that's why I was shock... I never thought its a long ago stuff since some that I read will at least use "rising sun nation", "country where most people having Asian face and slit eye", etc....

RichBoyWinston:What do you mean now? They have being doing it for nearly ten years. novels with the MC in Hollywood use real actors as characters and the author also writes their personality. There also had been a really big amount of novels with real people as characters, I once saw a harem novel with the author using Britney Spears as a damn female lead, besides other famous actresses. Bill Gates is also a common name in modern day Chinese novels.

Since Mr Zuckerberg dates to steal everyone's private info, I don't mind him being drawn into muddy waters of webnovel.


Well, it's his Facebook after all... No info of us is really private actually... From government to private website, as long as you register it will be copied and noted...

ultimate_boredom:Since Mr Zuckerberg dates to steal everyone's private info, I don't mind him being drawn into muddy waters of webnovel.

Some authors do have some shame and change the original name to something else, but most of them don't care as it doesn't matter at all, they can't get sued anyway. I once read a novel where the translator, not the author, changed the names of certain nations to lessen the nationalism, renaming Japan and the USA to something else, he even had to rename the president cause the author literally used Obama as a character lol. This novel isn't even on the worst side of stuff like this as real life foreigners aren't humiliated to make the MC look cool(at least not yet).

Weirdo:Really? Man, I thought its a recent stuff... I didn't read much of modern genre Chinese novel anymore since they start the face slap toward the whole world and mc that carry their Huaxia nation nation solo... Dang, they put it in synopsis, that's why I was shock... I never thought its a long ago stuff since some that I read will at least use "rising sun nation", "country where most people having Asian face and slit eye", etc....

Sigh, the audacity and their death seeking style... Why did they do this? Its like they are trying to dig down the bottom line of all the mentioned famous individual and to see what kind of stuff they do that would make someone send they a lawsuit... They can make tons of imaginary character and place, but they involve real tycoon just to humiliate them... Mate, i don't know about others but if my name or my product is used without permission, they will have lawsuit... But I think those author thought that they could bypass the law by saying its only coincidence like what the movie always remind in beginning of it...

RichBoyWinston:Some authors do have some shame and change the original name to something else, but most of them don't care as it doesn't matter at all, they can't get sued anyway. I once read a novel where the translator, not the author, changed the names of certain nations to lessen the nationalism, renaming Japan and the USA to something else, he even had to rename the president cause the author literally used Obama as a character lol. This novel isn't even on the worst side of stuff like this as real life foreigners aren't humiliated to make the MC look cool(at least not yet).

Are you dumb? The author is allowed to reference someone in real life of he wants. And the reasoning behind why Zuckerburg bought the rights makes sense too. I feel like your review is completely unnecessary.


this review based to much reading trash novel


Why are you being aggressive? Did your mum forgot to give you her titties milk? Fuck, can't you talk nicely? I'm just asking something that I didn't know and I hope some reader would be kind enough to explain or at least tell me.. I wouldn't even mind if you just read and continue scrolling down to other review.. But your first sentence is saying I'm dumb? Man, you must be very pitiful in your life huh.. Asking question meaning it's dumb, just wow...

MarethyuAether:Are you dumb? The author is allowed to reference someone in real life of he wants. And the reasoning behind why Zuckerburg bought the rights makes sense too. I feel like your review is completely unnecessary.

Welp other than saying that china numba ownnn in this novel, it is not that bad. I meam not every American is a btch in this novel. Although i can see the author's bad impression of Koreans. It is not going to far though

Weirdo:Why are you being aggressive? Did your mum forgot to give you her titties milk? Fuck, can't you talk nicely? I'm just asking something that I didn't know and I hope some reader would be kind enough to explain or at least tell me.. I wouldn't even mind if you just read and continue scrolling down to other review.. But your first sentence is saying I'm dumb? Man, you must be very pitiful in your life huh.. Asking question meaning it's dumb, just wow...

This review IS a complaint, a complaint about how they wantonly make everyone dumb down while they having mc singlehandedly carry the world... And I don't actually expect people to reply because for me, it's a normal complaint like how everyone complaint stuff everyday... You ask who care? Well, apparently you care, mate.. I don't like it when some author feel like they are having the mission to dumb down real life person who work hard to have their position this day. Yes, I know there's tons of other fictional stories that also let his mc be the only great man in the world and he makes the whole humanity improve leaps and bound by himself.. I know, but I don't care about that. But when they use real name, you will always imagine that guy face whenever you read this... I know it sounds like a pointless complaint to you, and I admit it. It's a pointless complaint because I write it to just let it out of my chest. That's why when I written down this pointless complaint, I know there's at least a dozen of keyboard warrior out there trying to burn and take me down just for their satisfaction. That's why I will politely tell you that if you feel offended, please ignore me. I don't mind it.. Thank you.

YASDASKAFRZ:Honestly this review is hardly topical. If anything it’s a complaint that you dislike the author using irl people as characters in his story. Who cares?

Yeah, I know mate.. But still it kind of tick me a bit when China author start to glorify their country while pushing everyone down using their personal perspective or even from TV only... And I think author impression about Korean is actually sourced mainly from TV drama? Because the drama tend to bring out Korean ugly side...

Domn:Welp other than saying that china numba ownnn in this novel, it is not that bad. I meam not every American is a btch in this novel. Although i can see the author's bad impression of Koreans. It is not going to far though

dud nobody knows who u are how they gon use your info for character?

Weirdo:Sigh, the audacity and their death seeking style... Why did they do this? Its like they are trying to dig down the bottom line of all the mentioned famous individual and to see what kind of stuff they do that would make someone send they a lawsuit... They can make tons of imaginary character and place, but they involve real tycoon just to humiliate them... Mate, i don't know about others but if my name or my product is used without permission, they will have lawsuit... But I think those author thought that they could bypass the law by saying its only coincidence like what the movie always remind in beginning of it...

No, not mine but the individuals that author used and will use...

InvicibleGod:dud nobody knows who u are how they gon use your info for character?

do u think those rich people care about a little author???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????they can buy islands and even countries why the fk would they care about a little author they can crush anytime??

Weirdo:No, not mine but the individuals that author used and will use...

Who knows? Maybe they suddenly feel like, "Today, I stubbed my toes. So I'm going to unleash the Kraken on the author."..

InvicibleGod:do u think those rich people care about a little author???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????they can buy islands and even countries why the fk would they care about a little author they can crush anytime??

It's extremely common. Any novel involving modern day would have some especially if it's related to the industry

Weirdo:Really? Man, I thought its a recent stuff... I didn't read much of modern genre Chinese novel anymore since they start the face slap toward the whole world and mc that carry their Huaxia nation nation solo... Dang, they put it in synopsis, that's why I was shock... I never thought its a long ago stuff since some that I read will at least use "rising sun nation", "country where most people having Asian face and slit eye", etc....

if you want a good novel just try "science and technology library",This novel has the same name as in the real world and their characters (I laugh when I see Trump called a leader who likes to impose embargoes on other countries on the basis of US security), and many more that are similar to the real world, here MC is a businessman who also a little nationalist but unlike other novels that say everything is bad besides china, he also said the advantages of various countries that china does not have, and because he is a businessman all standards depend on money. He has cooperation with his country (china) because he knows technology what he has will be targeted by other countries so it is necessary to find supporters but, still there must be an advantage because he is a businessman. Just look at this novel, I hate nationalist 'stupid' Chinese novels but I enjoy this one and this novel has a good development. my ratings from 5 stars character: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ world : ⭐⭐⭐⭐ cheat : ⭐⭐⭐⭐ writing :(MTL) story : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ last read : chapter 800/1080 I don't know what else to say,I just tired to read a shit nationalism in chinese novel so I want to share this to you,if you want to see it just google it, otherwise just ignore it. I use a Google Translate (good with the word's bad with the grammar)


Thank you for recommending it and yes, I also agreed.. They push out that nationalism way too much that it suddenly feel like a big propaganda, like they need to do this if they want the novel smoothly publish without some jerk stopping it for whatever reason...

periculo:if you want a good novel just try "science and technology library",This novel has the same name as in the real world and their characters (I laugh when I see Trump called a leader who likes to impose embargoes on other countries on the basis of US security), and many more that are similar to the real world, here MC is a businessman who also a little nationalist but unlike other novels that say everything is bad besides china, he also said the advantages of various countries that china does not have, and because he is a businessman all standards depend on money. He has cooperation with his country (china) because he knows technology what he has will be targeted by other countries so it is necessary to find supporters but, still there must be an advantage because he is a businessman. Just look at this novel, I hate nationalist 'stupid' Chinese novels but I enjoy this one and this novel has a good development. my ratings from 5 stars character: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ world : ⭐⭐⭐⭐ cheat : ⭐⭐⭐⭐ writing :(MTL) story : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ last read : chapter 800/1080 I don't know what else to say,I just tired to read a shit nationalism in chinese novel so I want to share this to you,if you want to see it just google it, otherwise just ignore it. I use a Google Translate (good with the word's bad with the grammar)