
Review Detail of Cartheon in In Naruto: Reborn with Talent

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I just want to say I rated your books 5 stars because I really enjoy them. I don't think the work is perfect by any means but I find you set the readers expectations well and you almost never fail to comfortably finish what you have set up. But I know that while you do enjoy comments that are not negative you also spend a lot of time asking for feedback, and while I don't think you need to take my suggestions to heart I enjoyed your work so much that I am willing to try to help with some (hopefully) constructive criticism. Also I have no idea how to format this I'm sorry... T.T I will break the feedback down into different areas but the first area I wish to speak on is the MC. In all of your works the MC is, roughly, the same character. I quite like his character and I don't see any real reason to change it. BUT I do think you need to challenge the core ideals behind your main character more. If I were to describe your MC I would say he is, in less than flattering terms, a large control freak. The MC will spend copious amounts of time and energy, not of just himself, but everyone around him, (especially his harem) on trying to control the entire world and everything that happens in it. Now I don't mean to say you need to change this, I very much enjoy this sort of wish fulfillment where everything is predictable and everything "goes to plan." BUT, I do believe you need to challenge the MC more. If there are no bumps or hiccups in the plan, then all the work that went into the plan seems a bit wasted no? I also want to point out that the MC is very very dead set on his exact world-view and expects everything to conform to it. And, very much in the style of wish fulfillment, his world-view is not challenged on any fundamental level. I feel like it is a great shame to take a world so full of individual characters with goals, dreams, and ambitions that are all wildly diverse in their base-line reason and morality - and change every character into the same sort of cookie-cutter mold that the MC is placed in. I, for one, really enjoy the MC being a different sort of character than the world that he is placed into. The point of fan-fiction, in my opinion, is to take an already created story, and explore the morality and ideas that the original author placed in the story. I feel you do this admirably, do not get me wrong, in fact I really enjoy that the MC is so vastly different from every character in the story at the start. It is honestly hard to find an author that is willing to take a world-view and put it under close scrutiny like you do, I want to applaud you for this, most authors don't ever try to do this at all. Most authors just write the same old regular cookie-cutter garbage that has been used in almost every story on this website. There is a distinct advantage to using the cookie-cutter molds though, all of the usual challenges for the characters have already been written by someone else, so all you really need to do is copy what others are writing and change it a little to fit the world you are writing in. This is why I admire your writing because you don't write what most people would write on this website and you mainly use politics and cost analysis as your challenges for the MC to overcome. I enjoy what you write mostly because I don't see much of it anywhere else. I feel like that's why you get a lot of hate, you are writing something relatively new for the website and you haven't ironed out all the kinks that other, more basic, world-views have gone over thousands of times before... Say you are dealing with an arrogant young master type novel - The tension starts by showing something worthy of either: 1. Acquiring, 2. Defending, or 3. Destroying. Then you place something extremely obnoxious in the path to accomplishing the goal set at the start, IE an arrogant young master. The young master is a counter to the MC, because he is, in essence, the exact same as the MC, he is just unfortunately not the character the author decided to become the MC. The MC then is forced to challenge his world view by placing what is essentially himself right in front of him. I understand you are a good author so this isn't really meant for you but more as a guideline as I'm sure you've read stories like Frankenstien that embody this ideal - but in a much more unique way. Anyway I digress, the point I am trying to make is that the MC needs to be weaker mentally. He cannot be fully formed right from the start of the story, he needs to have weaknesses and he needs to have failings. I understand that for a control-freak MC weaknesses and failings are essentially complete failures. But it is what it is... You should be more willing to have the MC screw up, as a control freak MC you don't even need the screwups to be that big of a deal, maybe trusting the wrong person, maybe having too much faith that the story will continue as he remembers, maybe becoming over-reliant on his understanding of the characters motivations and it bites him in the ass. A control-freak as an MC has thousands of different ways to screw up because, at the end of the day, the more controlling you are, the easier it is to lose that control. Especially when you have such perfect characters like obito, madara, black zetsu, pain, orochimaru, ect, that all are massive control freaks themselves. I believe you did this best when you pitted tsunade vs the 3rd hokage. I think this arc was very engaging because tsunade wasn't the MC, was without the MC's backing, and was not as infallible as the MC. Tsunade vs Sarutobi had real stakes, the morality of whether sacrifice is worth it and all the manipulations that Sarutobi did to maintain his control is a direct parallel to the MC. Obviously the MC wins because he is essentially cheating, but that's not exactly the point is it... If the MC didn't know everything that was going to happen and knew all the important hidden motivations at play, he might have become something similar to the 3rd Hokage. This tension between what the MC is and what he could have been is something special and I do think you do an admirable job exploring it in this arc, but I feel like you could have made it less easy. Force the MC to come to terms with who he could have become, force him to see the darker sides of his controlling personality. And understand that it's okay to challenge the MC and have him lose - meaning he accepts that he isn't a perfect moral being, and let him not change at all... Put some cracks in his armor essentially. Also I strongly disagree with the "darkening" of Naruto when he was young. I feel like if you are going to write a Naruto fanfiction you have to challenge Naruto in what he does best, IE talk-no-justu. Essentially crippling his character right at the start and changing him into essentially a less interesting version of the MC was very... uninteresting. I see where you were going with it as your idea was more along the lines of if Naruto can be groomed to be one way he can also be groomed to be another way. But this changes the agency of the character to Sarutobi and not Naruto. If you are going to make Sarutobi be the big bad in terms of moral challenge, then have the MC fight him, not Tsunade. Also raise the damn stakes. Also I understand that you don't really want to deal with Harem politics and infighting and that's okay I guess. But giving such a control-freak MC essentially complete and utter power over his strongest minions is kiiiinda weak. It shows that the author is essentially afraid of challenging the world-view of the MC where he knows it will have problems. Every level of power is only really interested in who is directly above them and directly below them. If you have noone above you and the people directly below you are completely obedient then there's no tension, there's no struggle, and there can't really be any stakes. The king will never be able to be dethroned since the only people who are capable of dethroning him are utterly unwilling. I will say that I don't really have any good ideas here, I just know it's a bit of a weakness of the novel. I don't have anything to recommend you do to change it. Maybe you can soulbind like only the best waifu? Have the rest of the waifus be more willing to challenge the MC in his right to total control. I will put this at the end because I think it's a hole that almost every novel on this website will fall into but you gotta slow down the MC's power growth. The best part of the novel(for me) was at the very start when the MC is weak and he is on the run from gennins. That was the most epic battle of the entire novel. Stakes were high, (There was something to lose IE Konan) and the MC had to struggle to survive, there was real tension as well because the tension came not from the ninjas attacking him, but the fact that he wasn't totally in control of Konan and was worried that the world would try to snap her back into place and he would lose her. This is great tension, as it highlights the most profound weakness of the MC which is that he has things that he is unwilling to lose. After the soulbind he lost this weakness, because even if Konan died, she would have died under his control, and having her die is less painful than losing her to someone else... This is fantastic because it's not just about separation through death, it's about separation due to a failure to emotionally manipulate her into what he wants her to be. Parallels to Sarutobi as well here which I am sad you didn't grasp when it came to that arc... Betrayal of a waifu is the largest failure the MC is capable of commiting - Until you essentially make it impossible to happen. Goddamn this is waaaay longer than I was expecting to write. I will just post this here and if you want me to continue you can reply. If this sort of feedback is too harsh please know I didn't mean it that way. I really enjoy your work and I hope you continue to write more in the future.

In Naruto: Reborn with Talent


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