
Review Detail of Endless_Clouds in ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

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the protagonist is part of those disgusting psychopaths with a high level of psychopathy, that kind of existence that makes disgusting worms and parasites look cute. Honestly, I don't know why there are "people" who think this is cool and want to look like this kind of disgusting and grotesque existence. But there are a lot of "people" who like it, so read after all nothing will stop you, except that and the "development" of the protagonist who, seriously would be much better if the protagonist continued with the personality he had in his past life than to change to this one new "personality" that pleases those people who have a dubious preference about the personality they like and who would be the most compatible with their own personality, there is not much to complain about, except for the basics about some inconsistencies in the plot that every book posted on webnovel of this "type" has



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do you read what you write idiot? you wrote -"Your comment is "bare" for everyone to see."

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Are you insulting the entire site alone? You realize these Authors are people who are trying to get better by writing something and at the same time entertain people online for no compensation. Especially fanfics... There is a variety of MC's... Why do you think every MC has to be a mary Sue perfection? In any case, insulting the entire site is not a good move. You are lucky if you having been flamed yet. People tend to get angry... Especially when you insult their work and community.


Do you really think I care about that, or something that someone like you can tell me about what I say about something that was done specifically for that, because if it wasn't there would be no comment function which is to leave your opinion and what you think of the so-called "work or book". Think well genius before you do something

EternalMonarch:Are you insulting the entire site alone? You realize these Authors are people who are trying to get better by writing something and at the same time entertain people online for no compensation. Especially fanfics... There is a variety of MC's... Why do you think every MC has to be a mary Sue perfection? In any case, insulting the entire site is not a good move. You are lucky if you having been flamed yet. People tend to get angry... Especially when you insult their work and community.

oh and "genius", maybe you should delete the "books" you have in your account and use the new one you created to put this "book" you wrote and answer complaints there instead of using that account

EternalMonarch:Are you insulting the entire site alone? You realize these Authors are people who are trying to get better by writing something and at the same time entertain people online for no compensation. Especially fanfics... There is a variety of MC's... Why do you think every MC has to be a mary Sue perfection? In any case, insulting the entire site is not a good move. You are lucky if you having been flamed yet. People tend to get angry... Especially when you insult their work and community.

hahahahahaha, the "genius" gave up his facade so fast and I here thinking that you would have a better answer after all you say that you are a 23 year old "genius". well, you're a good comedian won't starve at least

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So you'll reply to this guy, but not reply to my actual questions and rebuttles. You are really something else.

Endless_Clouds:hahahahahaha, the "genius" gave up his facade so fast and I here thinking that you would have a better answer after all you say that you are a 23 year old "genius". well, you're a good comedian won't starve at least

you didn't ask me anything. How do you want me to answer something I don't know?

Austin_Harrison:So you'll reply to this guy, but not reply to my actual questions and rebuttles. You are really something else.

wow, "genius" hahaha keep writing any shit there, i'll honestly read every crap you write and then I'll continue life the same way, after all you're obviously a "genius" for realizing that i don't care your opinion and what you think of me commenting on the “books” on this site that are public to a certain extent, it is irrelevant to me. But in a way it's not that irrelevant, after all I'm having fun with what you're writing and even answering hahahaha

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wow, did you want me to respond with "i'm laughing now" or * laughing * and the sentence continued? that would be stupid and meaningless, as "hahaha" has an obvious context and is easier to write. And are you an idiot for telling someone to answer you and expect that person to answer you, are you needy or something? I'll answer you if I want, I'm not obliged man

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and man, are you more than a friend of the "author" in a different way? since you are offended by something that I wrote and that was not addressed to you in a way that I cannot understand. or actually this account also belongs to the "author" and is he using it? after saying that I am not answering the questions he supposedly asked me?

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apparently you are worse than the "genius", at least he understands a little, you are just distorting what I said about the comments section and saying other nonsense crap. Well, you at least understand that what you wrote now doesn't make sense right? about those quotes offending all the "authors" of the webnovel site, are you an idiot or something? who would be offended by that doesn't make sense. You at least know what this -> "___" <- means, right?

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you are really mentally retarded, I used quotation marks in the word genius, but because it is obvious to anyone who knows how to interpret a text that the word genius is being used in a sarcastic tone. You say that my comment is "empty" and that someone said that my choice of words would attract people's hatred. Which people? People with mental disabilities who do not know how to interpret a text or people with mental disabilities who think that nobody can judge the values ​​of something that is the idea of ​​third parties who publish on their own on the internet? And how is it possible to write an empty comment in words and meaning? Do you really think everything you're trying to say makes any sense, man? because if it is, you are very mistaken and look more like a child who lost the arguments in a conversation that didn't even involve you and started to say offensive bad words, which is a shame. From beginning to end, what you have said so far makes no sense, except to make it clear that you are offended by something that was not even addressed to you and now you want to discuss it? Pathetic

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that's why i said you started a conversation without knowing where you started and acted like you were involved like an idiot taking offense at meaningless words. And the guy I call "genius", who calls himself "genius". And as I said a person with mental retardation who interprets the word "romance" in quotes as a way to offend everyone who writes "books" on the webnovel and says that quotes have only three ways to be used is a complete idiot. Man, I am calm and patient, otherwise I would be playing completely offensive words, as you did. That's why it's irritating to argue with idiots, they don't try to find out about the situation before they intrude and they still want to be right

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and just because "bare" can also mean "uncovered", I don’t think any idiot would use it when OBVIOUSLY can be interpreted as "empty" in a sentence that already has the word "for everyone to see" and in the right way to be use for a logical interpretation "exposed for all to see"

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it's amazing how tenaciously you want to be "right", although it has apparently been made clear that you are acting like an idiot

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is if you still think you're right, do you use the word "uncovered" when you're naked or leaving something explicit for everyone to see? if yes i have nothing else to answer you idiot

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so when you leave a car uncovered in your closed garage, it will surely smear it with dust, so according to your logic about the word "uncovered", it is assumed that the car will be dirty because it is naked

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I won't waste any more time with you, who besides being nosy is that kind of uninformed nosy

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idiot, forms a sentence with the word "discovered" that has to do with being exposed, in some situation be it social or professional and that is what you will give the impression of idiot. something like - random A: "Hey man, I saw a picture of you with your ex-girlfriend yesterday on the internet" Random B: "* in a suspicious tone * And in that photo I was discovered or covered?"

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an idiot without a cause, hahaha

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