
Review Detail of NinjasEverywhere in The Dawn of the New World

Détail de l’examen


Well, what to say... The beginning is perfect, it really draws the reader into an adventure and it amazed me how well it was written. But... There is too much going on all the time... I just get stressed while reading, it's one big rollercoaster of events without a moments rest and it gives me a headache to be honest. It's obvious the author is very talented and born to write, something shown very obvious in the quality of his work. But writing and reading are two different things... While reading, i feel that so much is happening in the story that I don't know what's happening anymore. Maybe I lack the intelligence to understand and comprehend the story but the story throws too many mysteries and questionsmarks at me without giving me any answers in the short and medium term. The answers will probably come sometime but I'm waiting for them too long and as the questions and mysteries keep piling up I lost track of whats going on. My advise as a reader to the author would be... Create moments of peace and rest after several chapters where subplots come to an ending and some answers and mysteries are answered, before continuing the next arc full of questions and mystery. And this is over simplified but as an example of how I experienced this novel: He stumbled on a rock, fell and rolled down over a cliff and ended up in unknown territory, before he knew what the hell was going on he heard a loud roar and instictively ran away in a random direction. Luckily he found a cave where he could hide to rest and heal his injuries. But when he walked inside the cave he felt his hairs stand up as an chill ran down his spine... "Welcome mortal, your trial begins!" "HUH!? WHAT!? Don't tell me...." But before he could think about it any longer his mind went blank untill he woke up an uncertain amount of time later when he opened his eyes and was met with a view of a paradise. "W-Where am I!? W-What the hell happend!?" [Then he was doing a trial to inherit a legacy from some unknown ancient mysterious force that only wants him to help him in the future when he is strong enough] After succeeding in his trail and in the middle of gaining an information stream containing the inheritance, the realm he was in was suddenly shaking as all kinds of powerful attacks from out of space where landing on the realms barriers. "NOW WHAT!? WHY IS THIS SHIT ALWAYS HAPPENING TO ME!?" But before he could curse someones ancestor he was suddenly forcefully ejected out of the realm and when his eyes opened he found himself somewhere in the dessert, god knows where... "Pfff... now what.. I didn't even had time to gain the complete inheritance, i don't even know what to make of it, where the hell am I anyway?" But before he could think about it any further the ground began shaking an his instincts warned him of a fast approaching danger... "NOW WHAT!? Can't i even have one god damn break!?" Etc.... etc... etc.. The rollercoaster of events goes on and on and on and with vague half inheritances and people he doesnt know he someday needs to help and whispers he hears here and then and a ghost he sees when he looks to the left to gives him another mysterie but nobody ever explains anything in detail and clear so he doesnt figure out anything ever and eventually his and the readers head explodes... The end. Btw, don't see this as a bashing if you read this Author. Writing is extremely difficult, I know because I tried it myself and failed horribly haha. All I wanted to do is let you view the story through the eyes of one of your readers...

The Dawn of the New World


Aimé par 1 personnes




Ohh and I would like to add that this is something personal, meaning that the novel is great in itself and of high quality but not something for me. For me it's too complex, to vague and mystical. I prefer easy reads where I don't need to think hard and do my best to understand what is happening... With time jumps, different POV's, lots of mysteries that are solved little by little over hundreds of chapters, a lot of characters that are all involved with the story line and all have their own set of mystery, and every question you ask everyone of them they all answer with vague and unclear answers, dreams that are real or not real or a combination of dreams, illusions, forebodings, different timelimes.... This is definitely not an easy read haha.