
Review Detail of Drakonous in Mages of the North: The Adventure Begins

Détail de l’examen


Edit: Sorry, I deleted my first review cause F**KING AUTOCORRECT RUINED THE VERY FIRST SENTENCE! (Breaths deeply) An amazing story that, while being fantastical, is realistic and gripping. The main character is very shrewd and seems to be an incredible alchemist despite his young age. However, unlike most stories, it's quite believable as the author takes his time explaining and building how alchemy works in his world and how competent the MC - Floris - is (I'm ashamed to admit it, but even I just grazed through my story saying, "Yep, the MC knows alchemy, here's a potion he made in one paragraph!" instead of spending time explaining it). Unfortunately, this does have the effect of making the story occasionally feel dry and the long paragraphs don't really help either. Or maybe it's cause I'm reading this while suffering excruciating pain from my legs which I've had in a brace for a while now hence the add (attention deficit disorder, not the math, silly) The description is also very vivid, I can imagine the village, isolated by a swampy forest full of poisonous creatures. The beginning also made me laugh; the MC's grandma was strikingly like my own (though, in my case, she'd spank me with a stick if I ever coated the house in white powder - wait, that came out wrong) and I really believed that the MC was planning on making ninja smoke from Naruto until he revealed that it was a failed antidote experimentation. Grammar is impeccable, it's really good but I've noticed that a few paragraphs were separated mid-sentence. I'm assuming this may be a formatting issue when copying and pasting from Google docs or Microsoft word, but I'm confident that the author can fix them with a simple proofread, hence no docking of points in regards to grammar. (Also author, if you're reading this, try using the chrome extension of Grammarly; it's a really good way to fix any of the potential errors you might have straight on your Inkstone's chapter edit) Overall, it's a fascinating read that I'll keep in my library and would definitely recommend to any fantasy reader

Mages of the North: The Adventure Begins


Aimé par 1 personnes




I can only assume it's from copy and pasting from Wattpad, or maybe even from my girlfriend sending me back the edits. Sometimes the novel doesn't have any spaces in it, so I have to put them in manually, but it's hard to tell where a sentence is supposed to end with a giant wall of text staring me down. Now that I've seen and been informed of these breaks in the dialogue I'll keep a sharp eye out for them,