
Review Detail of Galecto in Supremacy Games

Détail de l’examen


Let me start by saying that this is definitely one of the more quality novels on this site. It has suberb world building, very entertaining action and the power creep is essentially addictive. You'll find yourself always coming back for more. That said, I think the character development is the weak point in the story. We follow an immature spoilt MC from one of the richest families on Earth on his journey to become the strongest in the Universe. While he does get stronger over time, he never loses his immature spoilt rich kid streak. He's your typical hypocrite overbearing MC that never sees what's wrong with his actions until it's too late, then throws a tantrum. He's capable of being serious, a great leader and he's mischievious most of the story, which makes for nice comedic relief. The problem is that he grows emotionally unstable with age. Every loss he takes chips away at his soul until he's frankly just the most annoying character of the story by the the latest chapters. Still, it's a fun read. I'm just venting a bit, don't let that sway you from giving it a try.

Supremacy Games


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