
Review Detail of Tim_QQQ in Kuroko's Basketball__: I'm Shinji Koganei

Détail de l’examen


it was kinda my mistake of not looking at the reviews more carefully before reading.. 90% of the reviews are just one bot spamming. anyway the actual novel.. the writing is pretty good (4/5), stability of updates eh (3/5), its the story and character design that drags this down for me.. first, why even bother reincarnating his shinji, instead of just an OC, that didnt make much sense to me, as you basically change everything about him anyway (even his physique). as for the story, ill focus on how the author writes the games.. its more descriptive, and needlessly wordy, rather than the balls to the wall action that KNB is known for. the same moves are described over and over and it takes paragraphs to describe a single move. The way the GoM vs MC middle school game ended was boring as f, even if you wanted him to lose (which makes sense) it ended so abruptly and was the least memorable part of the game (he misses a buzzer beater and then it fades to black, time skip to hours / days later), also the youtube part and taking over shinjis family was cringe... imagine stealing someone's body, and then encouraging your 'sister' to dedicate their life to your career. cringe.

Kuroko's Basketball__: I'm Shinji Koganei


Aimé par 2 personnes




Thanks for the review.


To respond to some of the things you said, he did not force his sister to take part in his career, she willingly offered her help as what she’s studying kind of aligns with his goals. Second, I chose Shinji Koganei because we basically know nothing about his personal life. That’s why I could all these changes to his unknown background. Third, I admit, the way I handled that game was trash. I’ll try to improve, so thanks for saying that. Fourth, everybody got taller/bigger, not only Koganei. Well, to be honest, I should’ve just picked a random OC for thins one, you’re right about that one. Anyway, I appreciate the honest review and if you have any way to stop that bot, please tell me.