
Review Detail of Pool_Swimmer in Last Paladin

Détail de l’examen


!!!!!! GAY PROPAGANDA!!!!!! Dark fantasy.. Kids enjoy peacefull life and Boys passionate kiss each other ... Author rly tarded bcs he cant even write about dark characters

Last Paladin


Aimé par 2 personnes




If you dont like it then dont read it. there is no reason for you to call me name and my books names. Its that simple, read or don’t read the choice is yours.


Thanks for your homest opinion but to jidge based on the first few chapters of a story that will have almost two-hundred chapters thus requiring the first section to be world building and character building. As for the gay properganda remark know that this book includes gay and straight characters treating eachother equally not like one is lower or lesser of a person. Again thanks for your honesty but please read more of my book before judging it so harshly.


Why should i waste my time on gay book. Mark this "marsterpiece" with rainbow emoji 4 people like me to avoid it.

ShadowFoxx89:Thanks for your homest opinion but to jidge based on the first few chapters of a story that will have almost two-hundred chapters thus requiring the first section to be world building and character building. As for the gay properganda remark know that this book includes gay and straight characters treating eachother equally not like one is lower or lesser of a person. Again thanks for your honesty but please read more of my book before judging it so harshly.

I can't believe I missed this review, wish I saw it earlier.