
Review Detail of Kry0genic_ in Resident Evil: Revival

Détail de l’examen


I really enjoy reading this story and would recommend anyone to at least give it a try before deciding on whether to pass or not. It's a Resident Evil AU which follows Steve Burnside, a character who normally would've died in RE: Darkside Chronicles. The story is well written and the developments always kept me interested - making me look forward to the next chapter. If you're a fan of the resident evil series i think you'll enjoy it.

Resident Evil: Revival


Aimé par 1 personnes




HEADCANON!!! that's the word I was thinking of! This takes place in the exact universe of the game franchise but is my headcanon that continues Steve's story.


AU as in Alternate Universe? That is actually incorrect, but I definitely see why you see it that way. I made sure that this story would fit in the canon of the game universe. I wanted readers to understand that this took place after RE6. All characters involved would not break continuity with where the story was then and now. That being said, thank you so much for the positive review! :)