
Review Detail of Wallker in Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Détail de l’examen


The amount of disrespect and utter garbage that is in this novel is truly surprising considering it's Asian origins. I thought Asians had great respect for their ancestors.

Ancestor, Watch Over Me

Desktop Computer

Aimé par 8 personnes




You realise that in this novel, the ancestor who they worship has been dead for over a thousand years, right? Do you pay daily homage to your ancestor whose been dead for a thousand years? On top of that (though the translations haven't gotten to this point), it's revealed that the reason many don't worship the ancestor is because his biography seems too unrealistic and exaggerated - he slew dragons hundreds of miles long and could cause huge islands to sink with a single attack. Another thing to mention is that the ancestor wouldn't have anybody to pay respect to him if his descendants were all dead; they made use of the ancestor's body specifically in moments of dire need when the family could potentially get wiped out from the island of Scorpio. This novel is crafted for an audience that can take humour, if you want the whole novel to be solemn, then don't read - this novel isn't concocted specifically around your tastes. In my eyes, the way the ancestor is presented as the protagonist yet we get so many additional POVs from other characters is what makes it great.


It’s for the plot and has no link to Asian values


It's precisely because Asians expect respect that makes this book interesting.


Indeed. I can't comprehend why people show exaggerated reactions, forgetting that although it has an Asian background it is still Xianxia/Xuanhuan, where people can cultivate, live for hundreds of years and destroy mountains with their bare fists! It would be stupid to judge such a world with our world's common sense.

Jeffere:You realise that in this novel, the ancestor who they worship has been dead for over a thousand years, right? Do you pay daily homage to your ancestor whose been dead for a thousand years? On top of that (though the translations haven't gotten to this point), it's revealed that the reason many don't worship the ancestor is because his biography seems too unrealistic and exaggerated - he slew dragons hundreds of miles long and could cause huge islands to sink with a single attack. Another thing to mention is that the ancestor wouldn't have anybody to pay respect to him if his descendants were all dead; they made use of the ancestor's body specifically in moments of dire need when the family could potentially get wiped out from the island of Scorpio. This novel is crafted for an audience that can take humour, if you want the whole novel to be solemn, then don't read - this novel isn't concocted specifically around your tastes. In my eyes, the way the ancestor is presented as the protagonist yet we get so many additional POVs from other characters is what makes it great.