
Review Detail of TianGuez in DC Vengeance Requiem

Détail de l’examen


Well... For now he has done what he has promised, which is a work out of the community although personally there are some routes that I do not like as much as learning magic when you already have powers or vice versa but apart from that is all right. The MC has clear and concise goals, we are presented before reincarnating with these goals and reached the point of being influential in their world with these goals for which there is a feeling of continuity and that we are really seeing the same person But with skills and in another world. The scripture is what I like least, those dialogues as if they were scripts are little practical and annoying, this is a good tool for novice writers but it does not become part of the author's style I hope you change this little by little. On the design of the world, I think the author presents decently Gotham, but until there I can comment on this since he does not have many changes of Esténarios but presents the real danger that is to live in Gotham.

DC Vengeance Requiem


Aimé par 1 personnes




much appreciated review man. and I have some problem with dialogue delivery because first english is not my mother toungue and second you need some time grasp how the characters react. I am trying to do it and I think I did a god job with the batman and alfredxs talk but yeah I need to work on that.