
Review Detail of Demon_King22 in Rewrite! DC: True Power of Ancient Saiyan

Détail de l’examen


Never thought I would write fan fiction. But here we are. As the author, it is an obligation that I rate it 5 stars. But I have been having fun writing this, so it is a 5/5 for me. Thanks for giving this humble creation a try, if you did. That's more than what I can ask for. :)

Rewrite! DC: True Power of Ancient Saiyan


Aimé par 27 personnes




Fun fact, those middle eastern countries are indead apart of this modern age. Just blessing you with some knowledge

funmaxwell:where do harems exist in the civilized modern world outside some s***** Middle Eastern country.

It’s really a good story with lots of potential. Hope the next chapter comes soon


so I'm interested in your fanfics here based on the premise. but the tag for the harem. concerns me as so many good story ideas seem to be ruined by the inclusion of a harem in their story. because introducing the idea of a harem in a modern setting or any story setting for that matter in a way that isn't revolting.


I get what you mean but lets hope the author does it well and It’s not everyone sees MC and immediately fall in love with him

funmaxwell:so I'm interested in your fanfics here based on the premise. but the tag for the harem. concerns me as so many good story ideas seem to be ruined by the inclusion of a harem in their story. because introducing the idea of a harem in a modern setting or any story setting for that matter in a way that isn't revolting.

How long do you plan to take this story or will you drop it ?


I notice you have a tendency of never completing any of your novels and wondering if you’re going to follow through with this one.


We will see, for now I like to write this story.

TheRavager53:I notice you have a tendency of never completing any of your novels and wondering if you’re going to follow through with this one.

please don't drop it Sensei!!! I am already getting attached . Great buildup


stop using modern as an excuse for no harems, harems exist in even in the modern world rare or not they are there you saying otherwise is you being in denial of the truth.

funmaxwell:so I'm interested in your fanfics here based on the premise. but the tag for the harem. concerns me as so many good story ideas seem to be ruined by the inclusion of a harem in their story. because introducing the idea of a harem in a modern setting or any story setting for that matter in a way that isn't revolting.

where do harems exist in the civilized modern world outside some s***** Middle Eastern country.

DragonkingKyo:stop using modern as an excuse for no harems, harems exist in even in the modern world rare or not they are there you saying otherwise is you being in denial of the truth.

which chapter mc stop being a wimp idiot ? i dont want to traumatize my self with stupidity of not killing the enemy.


pls tell me Raven and Starfire are in the hârêm...


Hey author why do you make mc muscular like sayan. Didn't you know body builder type body is only like by other dudes. Most females like slim build and here you make it like women drool over his body... Really? Just ask your girlfriend if you have or even your female friends, almost all of the woman don't like bulky dudes who looks like they are taking steroids like drinking water. Even most man dislike being full of muscles and look like a gorilla, most who go to gym just want a slim fit body with tight muscles.

Demon_King22: We will see, for now I like to write this story.

You should use grammarly to help make your chapters easily readable.


They exist, but are almost always looked down upon by the general populace, and aren’t anywhere near as common. Harem almost always worsens a story I find, if it’s in a modern setting especially

DragonkingKyo:stop using modern as an excuse for no harems, harems exist in even in the modern world rare or not they are there you saying otherwise is you being in denial of the truth.

again that isn't the fault of the harem Genre but the author not putting the effort to make it good you shouldn't blame a genre for the failure of the author

Blockshot:They exist, but are almost always looked down upon by the general populace, and aren’t anywhere near as common. Harem almost always worsens a story I find, if it’s in a modern setting especially

This is true I suppose, however it is also partially the genre, since the genre itself makes it very difficult to write a compelling story for most authors, and should only be used in certain world settings, for example I don’t mind it as much if it’s in a cultivation world where something like that is more normal, but in a modern world setting, or even most fanfics it just makes no sense. I have only seen very few good harems, at least for what I like

DragonkingKyo:again that isn't the fault of the harem Genre but the author not putting the effort to make it good you shouldn't blame a genre for the failure of the author

no they're not.

William_Stewart:Fun fact, those middle eastern countries are indead apart of this modern age. Just blessing you with some knowledge

really......u will find Many in the West too though not legal or anything but yea if u are rich and have good charisma for handling women 😐😐😐

funmaxwell:where do harems exist in the civilized modern world outside some s***** Middle Eastern country.

I've known a lot of these types of people, and I assure you not to argue with any of them.. Trust me bro, otherwise you will get endless headaches.

Navigator_Ray:really......u will find Many in the West too though not legal or anything but yea if u are rich and have good charisma for handling women 😐😐😐