
Review Detail of FalseProphet_ in Eternal Evolution

Détail de l’examen


It was not that good to begin with but it turned to absolute shit around ch 30 where he makes the mc into human for the most bullshit reason ever. Like I would have continued because mc at least wasn't a bitch but the instant he becomes human for no fucking reason it all changes. Like in beginning you have a ruthless mc ( and when I say ruthless I mean he literally killed thousands of his own kids just to get stronger) who starts to build his own kingdom but out of know where the mc suddenly could make a fucking supernova, and it gets better because for some dumb ass reason he uses it which cause the ice age to happen which last at least million years. Then after million of this sleeping on his ass the system tells that he could stop the ice age with another supernova( okay didn't really care at this point just wanted of his ass) but while trying to do this he start to get pulled towards some random fucking planet or moon( can't rem ember which one) and again I stuck with although annoyed because it was stupid and was hoping it couldn't get dumber but no. The planet is 90% water and 10% land and he fucking massaca re like the whole ocean but still doesn't get strong enough to leave the planet so he tries the land. ( Also keep in mind that humans strength compared to his is 1,000 human strength only equals 1 of his strength in stats and he has around 15,000 in strength so yah) when he get to land there fucking random ass barrier that is literally impossible to break and there is only one teleportaion pad to get but has a cool down of 5 years not to mention a restriction on strength so if your to strong you can't use it. ( he has a ability to make clones) So he makes around 60 clones whatever the restriction was and sends them to kill all being who equal the 4 stage( ranking for beast in this story is stage 1 - stage 8 don't remember if there was more) but it somehow fails except for like one which I call bullshit because they have at least 10% of his strength which lets just say way more than then anyone on that entire planet. So he uses wolf to take over some princess body and then rest of the story is him being a little bitch( this starts around ch 40 and there is 106 chapter so yah) like the story had zero purpose and reasoning as well as no background or explanation to the world and I don't even want to bring up the stupid ass human part.

Eternal Evolution


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don't take the comment to heart just mean being annoyed



FalseProphet_:don't take the comment to heart just mean being annoyed

I feel like the story had nore potential but ruined by him becoming human also i have nothing else to read


I see

FalseProphet_:I feel like the story had nore potential but ruined by him becoming human also i have nothing else to read