
Review Detail of IncubusIsLaifu in Perfect Incubus System

Détail de l’examen


Hi guys! Author here! Some people might not like this because they will think that girls are slut and easy-going. Mc is a Royal Incubus so why not taking advantage of it? Also thank you for reading!

Perfect Incubus System


Aimé par 45 personnes




Don't forget get all milf become Mc harem wife 🤣🤣🤣


Tell me, is it a crossover or just characters will meet from other anime? Give a list of these animes. And what is the main world, DxD or is it just a cover?


Think of it as a random crossover... :)

Ryuu23:Tell me, is it a crossover or just characters will meet from other anime? Give a list of these animes. And what is the main world, DxD or is it just a cover?

How's that? There will be no plot?

IncubusIsLaifu:Think of it as a random crossover... :)

What do mean by we will think that the girls are slut......? Is mc's women has been sleep with lot of man before they met mc. Is that what you are trying to say.. and because they have been sleep with lot of man so now they are easy going . I have not start reading the story so I am asking this .


No, a reader said that. This is a spoiler so im sorry. But its better if you read it to confirm it.

Shadewind:What do mean by we will think that the girls are slut......? Is mc's women has been sleep with lot of man before they met mc. Is that what you are trying to say.. and because they have been sleep with lot of man so now they are easy going . I have not start reading the story so I am asking this .

All potential women for the mc are all virgins. Except for the MILF's thou.

Shadewind:What do mean by we will think that the girls are slut......? Is mc's women has been sleep with lot of man before they met mc. Is that what you are trying to say.. and because they have been sleep with lot of man so now they are easy going . I have not start reading the story so I am asking this .

All potential women for the mc are all virgins. Except for the MILF's thou.

Shadewind:What do mean by we will think that the girls are slut......? Is mc's women has been sleep with lot of man before they met mc. Is that what you are trying to say.. and because they have been sleep with lot of man so now they are easy going . I have not start reading the story so I am asking this .

All potential women for the mc are all virgins. Except for the MILF's thou.

Shadewind:What do mean by we will think that the girls are slut......? Is mc's women has been sleep with lot of man before they met mc. Is that what you are trying to say.. and because they have been sleep with lot of man so now they are easy going . I have not start reading the story so I am asking this .

It's understandable if it's a milf . So if they are all virgin then they shouldn't be call slut . Maybe they are easy to fell in love but that doesn't make a girl slut whatever you don't have give me spoiler I will read it after I finish my current one.

IncubusIsLaifu:All potential women for the mc are all virgins. Except for the MILF's thou.

Because of his incubus race, girls feel charmed easily.

Shadewind:What do mean by we will think that the girls are slut......? Is mc's women has been sleep with lot of man before they met mc. Is that what you are trying to say.. and because they have been sleep with lot of man so now they are easy going . I have not start reading the story so I am asking this .

Duhh .......... He is a incubus and it's natural that the girls should charm easily it's his racial trait. So it shouldn't make the girls slut because it isn't their fault. Dude maybe that reader has some brain damage if he can't even understand such simple things .

IncubusIsLaifu:Because of his incubus race, girls feel charmed easily.

Can you kindly say who is the author of the cover? I want to search * cough * I mean, I am looking for the name of the author of the bed and I am not finding it, please do not ignore this comment, my life is at risk.


Nah, I just found in it google...

Victor_Weismann:Can you kindly say who is the author of the cover? I want to search * cough * I mean, I am looking for the name of the author of the bed and I am not finding it, please do not ignore this comment, my life is at risk.

Damn T_T, Do you know who the DXD illustrator is?

IncubusIsLaifu:Nah, I just found in it google...

Oh, did you know that the author of DXD died?

IncubusIsLaifu:Nah, I just found in it google...

Before i start reading i wanted to ask a question : will MC be like other stupid MCs of other fanfics with big Harem and use a fcking clone ability to fck his women because he thinks hes incomplete to do his job as a husbsnd? I hope you don't use clone abilities at all since recently one of my fav fanfic used it to gangbange his wives so i dropped it and now found your book but i don't want to be betrayed again that's why i asked this question before starting to read...plz answer me author 🙏🏻


Nope, mc will have his own technique like a *Spoiler Alert* Pleasure Domain. I don't ntr myself you know?

MJAgo:Before i start reading i wanted to ask a question : will MC be like other stupid MCs of other fanfics with big Harem and use a fcking clone ability to fck his women because he thinks hes incomplete to do his job as a husbsnd? I hope you don't use clone abilities at all since recently one of my fav fanfic used it to gangbange his wives so i dropped it and now found your book but i don't want to be betrayed again that's why i asked this question before starting to read...plz answer me author 🙏🏻

Everytime i have power stones i will definitely vote for u so pls update more


Btw how many chapters are u planning to do until the end?If possible make it more than 600😂😂😂