
Review Detail of amaturewriter in One Piece Ero

Détail de l’examen


*sigh*.........this is just word ****, its written decent and has a plot, but its word ****...basically it has an MC that chases women, and has somewhat forced and shallow/rushed relationships [the reason I say this is cause of the MC's 3 rd wish, it'd probably be some **** like DXD]..... Author bru, really asking you pls dont make MC a collector, dont make him retard and try to build the relationships, and no massive harem...dont make it shallow.........also would be nice if MC travels before cannon, like 5 or 6 yrs before, and maybe make this an AU?

One Piece Ero


Aimé par 8 personnes




Almost all of the girls you can think of when thinking about one piece. I have chosen the timeline carefully so that I can have almost all of them. As for the plot, my main motto will be the harem and the plot will be secondary. Of course, It doesn't mean i haven't thought out the plot of the story. I already have the plot ready for the mc, at least the final arc. I guess i will go with the flow for now and introduce the main storyline and antagonists slowly over time so that the effect they have on the world remains minimum for now. Also so that, the mc can create his harem in peace for now because he is not ready for them both physically and mentally. I will explain in the next chap... and Thank you for Reading.

BreezyNovels:Can I ask who is part of the harem, or who you have planned so far? You should read Sinful life with the strongest system. It's similar though it probably has a bigger plot than what you are going for. The problem with big harems is that authors usually forget harem members and neglect them and sinful life with the strongest system has a balance between old and new harem members.

Thank you for your review also point noted. Basically I have the same kind of idea as you except for one and ie the harem one. You see I am writing this fanfic with lots of ecchi and *** in mind which means rather than a heavy plot-driven fan-fic it is more of a (cough*cough*) *** driven fan-fic. Useless fact: Even though i am ashamed to say this but i have only ever watched the 1st season of DXD a long time ago after that i somehow lost interest. Don't know why?


ok you have a plot...dope,,,,just dont do what dxd did...I never like it..the characters that is..the idea and powers...dope,,,I mean the 13 longinus,,,amazing.....its the characters that make the series garbage, all of em are shallow, the men are perverts and every chick there is..is a slut, its in away disgusting....that's how I felt at least..so dont do it..........try to build the characters...dont make em ****ty and trash,,,,dont make the relationships shallow, like MC looks good is OP and done, the chicks like him....try to build it...MC was a yakuza..make him use his brain and make him hide his powers......dont make a trusting shallow idiot............... iDK what youd do about rias but I think she was a pathetic *****...that was incerdily stupid

BoredDWriter:Thank you for your review also point noted. Basically I have the same kind of idea as you except for one and ie the harem one. You see I am writing this fanfic with lots of ecchi and *** in mind which means rather than a heavy plot-driven fan-fic it is more of a (cough*cough*) *** driven fan-fic. Useless fact: Even though i am ashamed to say this but i have only ever watched the 1st season of DXD a long time ago after that i somehow lost interest. Don't know why?

Can I ask who is part of the harem, or who you have planned so far? You should read Sinful life with the strongest system. It's similar though it probably has a bigger plot than what you are going for. The problem with big harems is that authors usually forget harem members and neglect them and sinful life with the strongest system has a balance between old and new harem members.

BoredDWriter:Thank you for your review also point noted. Basically I have the same kind of idea as you except for one and ie the harem one. You see I am writing this fanfic with lots of ecchi and *** in mind which means rather than a heavy plot-driven fan-fic it is more of a (cough*cough*) *** driven fan-fic. Useless fact: Even though i am ashamed to say this but i have only ever watched the 1st season of DXD a long time ago after that i somehow lost interest. Don't know why?

Real question, clones or no clones

BoredDWriter:Almost all of the girls you can think of when thinking about one piece. I have chosen the timeline carefully so that I can have almost all of them. As for the plot, my main motto will be the harem and the plot will be secondary. Of course, It doesn't mean i haven't thought out the plot of the story. I already have the plot ready for the mc, at least the final arc. I guess i will go with the flow for now and introduce the main storyline and antagonists slowly over time so that the effect they have on the world remains minimum for now. Also so that, the mc can create his harem in peace for now because he is not ready for them both physically and mentally. I will explain in the next chap... and Thank you for Reading.