
Review Detail of Unchainedx in We choose our own destiny

Détail de l’examen


The novel is not bad, it is very well written, has interesting characters and is set in the "Warcraft" universe which is fantastic by itself. The protagonist is not bad, he starts out quite childish, but over time he evolves, so i don't have much to say about him, although the author omits much of his development, it is very clear how much he evolves over the years. The romance is interesting, it's the novel's strong point and its focus, but honestly it's all a little forced, it wasn't developed over time, they didn't go through difficult times together, it was practically love at first sight, in fact it's not bad, the moments that they spend together are very beautiful. There are extremely forced and unnecessary parts, a simple example is Sylvanas friend, Verena, they dated, but the author insists on creating intimate moments between the two, honestly it is quite ridiculous, it is practically a cheatting, Verena kisses her and practically masturbates her, whenever Verena enters the scene, her dialogues are only sexual and always target Sylvanas, Sylvanas is very lenient with these advances, the author always uses the excuse that they are childhood friends, but does that make sense? If she were a man would everything be ok too? Now a new character has been introduced, he is more talented and skilled than the protagonist and obviously: He is attracted to Sylvanas, i already know where this will end and i have neither the patience nor the age to read these things. The protagonist is absurdly common, he is not the smartest, the strongest, the fastest, the most talented, the hard-working, nothing ... Still he is said to be the second best recruit, none of this has been explored, he simply is the second best and that's it ... The protagonist trained for thirteen years to become a ranger, but no training was written by the author, there is simply no sense of progression, in fact the author described the sparring / training of a newly introduced character more than the thirteen years of training of the MC. The novel is very slow, in fact it didn't bother me at first, but during the novel i was very uncomfortable with the slowness that the author tells the story, i say this because the novel is not slow because the author tries to implement different things , expand the universe or want a linear progression, the novel is slow because there is a lot of unnecessary information, huge and repetitive moments of ramblings by the MC or Sylvanas and many meaningless dialogues, in some moments the author focuses a lot on unnecessary things and forgets to describe some extremely necessary things. As it took place in the "Warcraft" universe, i thought there would be more action, magic, intrigues, wars, epic battles, but in reality there is only (as far as i read): Family problems, romance, daily life and conversations, there has only been one "real" fight so far. The novel is not bad, the author writes very well, i was really liking of this, but i feel that this is going down a path that i wouldn’t like, so i’m stopping before I get even more disappointed.

We choose our own destiny


Aimé par 10 personnes




It's your decision in the end. The Second War ( and the action) would have started with Chapter 36 and then lots of battle scenes would follow. About the training, I didn't consider it as too important so I skipped most of it to not make the story longer than it already is. Also, they will go through difficult times in later chapters and I don't think its forced. The part of the story you are looking for begins with chapter 36 You don't have to continue reading it but I'm glad you gave it a try.


Sylvanas and Verena scenes are a huge turn-off. (that **** is straight NTR)


Yeah. Thanks to the reviewer making me dodge a bullet

PsyLoRD:Sylvanas and Verena scenes are a huge turn-off. (that **** is straight NTR)

why would you think knowing what training the mc did would be unimportant? It's like saying he got stronger and that's it, read it again and see how stupid it sounds

PoweredbyDarkness:It's your decision in the end. The Second War ( and the action) would have started with Chapter 36 and then lots of battle scenes would follow. About the training, I didn't consider it as too important so I skipped most of it to not make the story longer than it already is. Also, they will go through difficult times in later chapters and I don't think its forced. The part of the story you are looking for begins with chapter 36 You don't have to continue reading it but I'm glad you gave it a try.

Yeah, I'd equate it with: "I wanted character arc, but I didn't really want to write it, so I cut out all the middle stuff." Now you're left without actually having any character arc, GJ(seems the same held true for his personal development).

Skepparn:why would you think knowing what training the mc did would be unimportant? It's like saying he got stronger and that's it, read it again and see how stupid it sounds

While you need to work on your linguistics, your review is wonderful. It covers several important points, and saved me from having to end up disappointed.


Yes, my English is very bad, but my portuguese is good, i promise!!

Ahtu_Flagg:While you need to work on your linguistics, your review is wonderful. It covers several important points, and saved me from having to end up disappointed.