
Review Detail of lelauch in Naruto: Reincarnated as an Inuzuka(Hiatus)

Détail de l’examen


As Darkimortal and others mention in their comments, there are many inconsistent things in your novel (werewolf - ranged attack, muzuka - mohaws, naruto world - wish a nonexistent waifu) those things make me think that instead of developing their ninjutsu they will become a specialist in genjutsu: s. Leaving aside criticism, it can be seen that you are new to writing and you make the same mistakes that most especially those who make fanfiction make. They do not think about the plot and its development with the intervention of their MC before starting to write, so it is noticeable that ideas and changes of thought by the author are added that do not go with the original ideas of the characters, as you mentioned that you I pass with the bow watching FARCRY. I will not tell you to change something, that is up to you, I will just keep writing, failing, improving until it becomes a good story or you create a better one later, either different or a reboot of it.

Naruto: Reincarnated as an Inuzuka(Hiatus)


Aimé par 1 personnes




Keep writing, failing, improving until it becomes a good story or you create a better one later, either differently or restart it.


Thanks man, really appreciate that. Will try my best to improve as I genuinely find this fun. Comments and reviews like this do help out a lot and I look forward to the type of work I can come up with. 😭🤧


But damnit leave my precious Mohawk alone, my precious 😠


Hahaha. It's not a bad type of haircut, but it's inconsistent like making a mc wolverine and deciding to go bald. :v

Bigbaby:But damnit leave my precious Mohawk alone, my precious 😠