
Review Detail of LargeFarva in Professor Dovahkiin

Détail de l’examen


Shameless author! An idea that's been floating around in my head. The story of a man merged with his Skyrim character and thrown into a crossover world of Harry Potter and MCU for the entertainment of a cosmic being.

Professor Dovahkiin


Aimé par 121 personnes




Hello man, just to say thanks for the fic and I hope your muse comes back soon. Can’t wait for the third year and werewolf shenanigans. I was also wondering if you could recommend a fic with similar premise or an HP fic where MC is already an ***** by the time canon rolls out.


Honest question: How far thought out is the novel and is it a book thats going to be dropped in the next month after it pulls me in?


I'm already working on the outline for two other possible universes for the MC to be sent to. I don't plan to do either one of my novels, time is limited to work on them and life always seems to get in the way.

Mug:Honest question: How far thought out is the novel and is it a book thats going to be dropped in the next month after it pulls me in?

Will there be romance?


Hoping for the best

LargeFarva:I'm already working on the outline for two other possible universes for the MC to be sent to. I don't plan to do either one of my novels, time is limited to work on them and life always seems to get in the way.

Hey so I've never played Skyrim before and was wondering how much does it affect the story. I literally know nothing about the game.


Elements from Skyrim are going to continously pop up. It won't affect too much, but some parts will be a bit confusing. Just some of the big takeaways: - In the game, Dragons are an intelligent immortal race that onced ruled much of the world. They can only be truly killed by another dragon or a dragon born, because they absorb the soul of the defeated dragon. - Dragons have their own magical language that can cast a huge variety of powerful spells. Those spells are called a Thu'um. -Dovahkiin is the dragon language for Dragon Born. - Not to give game spoilers but my MC is a Dragon Born, which means he has the soul of a dragon, not a human. - The game has a ton of mods people created to improve different parts of the game. I used several mods to improve the magical ability and add more spells. I really won't touch on any of the Skyrim lore, so you won't have to worry about that. You really shouldn't have much to worry about.

SDIVAD:Hey so I've never played Skyrim before and was wondering how much does it affect the story. I literally know nothing about the game.

Alright then I may or may not have taken a look earlier and finished all 9 chapters and now I'm sad But overall i can vouch that this is one of the best harry potter fanfics I've ever read also I'm looking forward to how you incorporate the MCU into this.

LargeFarva:Elements from Skyrim are going to continously pop up. It won't affect too much, but some parts will be a bit confusing. Just some of the big takeaways: - In the game, Dragons are an intelligent immortal race that onced ruled much of the world. They can only be truly killed by another dragon or a dragon born, because they absorb the soul of the defeated dragon. - Dragons have their own magical language that can cast a huge variety of powerful spells. Those spells are called a Thu'um. -Dovahkiin is the dragon language for Dragon Born. - Not to give game spoilers but my MC is a Dragon Born, which means he has the soul of a dragon, not a human. - The game has a ton of mods people created to improve different parts of the game. I used several mods to improve the magical ability and add more spells. I really won't touch on any of the Skyrim lore, so you won't have to worry about that. You really shouldn't have much to worry about.

There is romance he is currently with the maid that was working in the inn though she said she is not ready to settle just yet soo i dont think she will be with our mc for a long time but we got the MCU universe there is a lot of sexy girls he couls get hopefully he will get a good one.

noobageddon_:Will there be romance?

Question: Do you need to know a lot about Skyrim and mcu to properly understand this novel? Or is everything kind of explained as the story progresses? Cus I barely know much about mcu and Skyrim...


Ok, nice! Might as well give it a try then...

SDIVAD:Alright then I may or may not have taken a look earlier and finished all 9 chapters and now I'm sad But overall i can vouch that this is one of the best harry potter fanfics I've ever read also I'm looking forward to how you incorporate the MCU into this.

You should add this to an auxiliary chapter or something for people who never played Skyrim -cough- me. Btw, haven't read the novel yet, but I'm about to.

LargeFarva:Elements from Skyrim are going to continously pop up. It won't affect too much, but some parts will be a bit confusing. Just some of the big takeaways: - In the game, Dragons are an intelligent immortal race that onced ruled much of the world. They can only be truly killed by another dragon or a dragon born, because they absorb the soul of the defeated dragon. - Dragons have their own magical language that can cast a huge variety of powerful spells. Those spells are called a Thu'um. -Dovahkiin is the dragon language for Dragon Born. - Not to give game spoilers but my MC is a Dragon Born, which means he has the soul of a dragon, not a human. - The game has a ton of mods people created to improve different parts of the game. I used several mods to improve the magical ability and add more spells. I really won't touch on any of the Skyrim lore, so you won't have to worry about that. You really shouldn't have much to worry about.

Well, to be honest, this is one of the best and most interesting HP Fanfics, thank you for sharing the story with us. even though there are only 17 chapter I enjoyed them very much, I hope you're not dropping the story. Good luck


is this going to be harem? cause if it's i will save myself the trouble and not read it.


Not a harem.

nemery11:is this going to be harem? cause if it's i will save myself the trouble and not read it.


LargeFarva:Not a harem.

Is this the kind of fanfic we’re the cosmic being is secretly evil or something and keeps messing with his life or is he given free reign wherever he goes? and if he falls in love and starts a family would they come with him?


True i also noticed that he is making a woman who is quite average in looks department describe as a beautiful goddess which makes no sense but whatever. The point is that there is actual romance and not just mc training all day which could get boring fast.

Le contenu a été supprimé

Damn right but i am being ignored, i got her wiki page saying nothing about her being beautiful. If you gotta ask eveen Ancient One is far better than her, and wait a bit more and beauties will start to show up in the story (mostly marvel womens)

DarkKnight32:True i also noticed that he is making a woman who is quite average in looks department describe as a beautiful goddess which makes no sense but whatever. The point is that there is actual romance and not just mc training all day which could get boring fast.

Include John wick high table being mcu criminal groups

LargeFarva:I'm already working on the outline for two other possible universes for the MC to be sent to. I don't plan to do either one of my novels, time is limited to work on them and life always seems to get in the way.

Hey mate!! I want to ask... Is this all rewrite or just a fixing abit here and there or complete different scenario...