
Review Detail of Daoist905821 in Passionate Happiness

Détail de l’examen


This book reaches inside you and MAKES you feel the narrators pain. I hope that by writing down her pain my amazingly brave and strong cousin will get some release and healing for her battered heart and soul. It was heart wrenching and made me cry which is the best kind of story...one you can feel and relate to. Brit I am so proud of you for your courage. By writing this story you will not only get the healing you need but also you will be God's agent helping other women to heal and encouraging them. Showing them that although it's hard there is a way out. That God will happily help them bc He never intended for us to be torn apart of mistreated. Thank you for sharing this with me, and please send me all of the next books. I will eagerly await them!!

Passionate Happiness


Aimé par 1 personnes




Thank you sooo much and I love you thanks for your support ❤️