
Review Detail of LordSputnik in The Tylingariea Epic

Détail de l’examen


The Good: Excellent world building! The author has created multiple worlds inside one story that are well thought out! The characters, while not exactly original, are given more than enough history to stand on their own. The Bad: It reads a bit like a history book at first... Having one giant paragraph for a chapter makes it a chore to read. Don't create new chapters just to put a title... Chapters are also quite short usually. The Neutral: Having a big grand idea is great, but tying it together is always a challenge. Keep at it! Try and work on your chapter structure some, it's hard to read just a single large paragraph without proper line breaks.

The Tylingariea Epic


Aimé par 1 personnes




Thank you for the review and for the advice, the book is in a phase of editing and i have also started back writing on it. so this is not the final version so i hope that you will continue to read the book