
Review Detail of Shadewind in Ninja Gamer

Détail de l’examen


Don't read this garbage if you are straight men . This gay author make a male mc turn into female then make mc fall in love with minato . Disgusting really disgusting . This fuc*king author doesn't even put Information In his intro. Disgusting author you baited me read this garbage. Reading this make wanna vomit . Well I stopped reading at the 1st chapter then I was curious if mc turn into male again but no he falls in love with minato. disgusting super disgusting reading that make me wanna vomit . Well maybe author all day dream about getting his a$$ g@ngb@ng by a couple of maco men . Your are really disgusting author . You baited me read this disgusting garbage . Go get a surgery to turn yourself into women for full filing you sick fantasies . O now I get it you don't have that much of money right . So you write this garbage . You should keep your sick fantasies to yourself no need to made them appear in public and give everyone a disgust feeling. You lowlife should put a warning there in your intro fuc*king Duch*bag

Ninja Gamer


Aimé par 23 personnes




So you do know that most of the people will take on my side . So why do you think people will take on my side if I am the wrong one here. Dude you just contradicted yourself. And remember the society of today have been built up by agreeing what the most of the people do not what kind of small abnormal people do, those people are toxic and disgusting who is slowly trying to contaminate the whole society by thier abnormal , dirty , double standard , hypocrital viewpoints like you . So you get the message and it will be a waste of time to argue with your kind So I will stop here.

NeuerGamer:if you think it is your place to tell people what they can and can't do with each other (assuming consent is given, and just to be clear not everyone is able to give consent) and that spreading hate messages against people because they have different likes and dislikes than you is ok, it is you who has some serious issues. sadly a decent chunk of our society would take your side, but you are wrong either way. as for not putting tags properly, it's frankly not a "crime" worthy of such outrage. if this was a case of missing age restrictions, I might agree, but it clearly isn't as webnovel has no proper system for that anyways. lastly, nobody forced you to read anything. you chose to read stuff on the internet, didn't like it, then trew a fit like a toddler and accused the author of being immoral to compensate for your lack of tolerance and inability to take a loss. now kindly get off the internet and reflect on your toxicity.

Lmao, that was fucking hilarious. For real though, gender-bend is trash.


Dude you can't possibly imagine the damage I took reading this garbage. It was sooooo disgusting that I was angry out of my mind for a long time. Can you imagine if a perfectly fine man suddenly acpt his identity as a women and start to fall in love with a guy. This author has some serious issues I tell you.

FBI_B1TCH:Lmao, that was fucking hilarious. For real though, gender-bend is trash.

This dude is posting others works on this throwaway account. +9999 review rating.

Shadewind:Dude you can't possibly imagine the damage I took reading this garbage. It was sooooo disgusting that I was angry out of my mind for a long time. Can you imagine if a perfectly fine man suddenly acpt his identity as a women and start to fall in love with a guy. This author has some serious issues I tell you.

This is kinda homophobic


Yeah I Don't like homo . So you can call me that and seriously I don't understand how their brain works how could they fall for their similar gender it's just pure disgusting . Also I don't care about that kind of disgust of society as long it doesn't involve me they do whatever the fuçk they want . But this this author didn't put yaoi tag which made me read this disgusting story which made my skin crawl . So you should understand my reason to get angry . Also there are females to fall for so why they fall in love or have sexual urge at the same gender it's just absurd.

DogeLuvReadin:This is kinda homophobic

Are you white?

Shadewind:Yeah I Don't like homo . So you can call me that and seriously I don't understand how their brain works how could they fall for their similar gender it's just pure disgusting . Also I don't care about that kind of disgust of society as long it doesn't involve me they do whatever the fuçk they want . But this this author didn't put yaoi tag which made me read this disgusting story which made my skin crawl . So you should understand my reason to get angry . Also there are females to fall for so why they fall in love or have sexual urge at the same gender it's just absurd.


DogeLuvReadin:Are you white?

Just a question to understand why you think so


That's a two entirely different concept. So why are you asking me that . I Don't discriminates against black people . So I just find it disgusting to have sèx with same gender . What do you feel towards people who are having sèx with an animal . Don't you feel that is disgusting for me i feel that kind of disgust towards gay people . Also don't you find fetishes disgusting . Being gay is also a fetishe so you should feel disgust towards them if not you are setting a very bad example towards future generations . Also if gay people marry what is the outcome will they can have children or what . What is the benefits if you are gay it's just that person is just fulfilling his sick fantasy . If you support that kind of thing. God knows what you people will support in the future . Don't care what you lot think but i will never support this kind of sick things which goes against the very laws of nature .

DogeLuvReadin:Just a question to understand why you think so

yeah i kindda thought gay people just has a type of mental illness cuz by some childhood events


uhh, no. people who thought the same killed alan turing tho.

Coner_priestofoohr:yeah i kindda thought gay people just has a type of mental illness cuz by some childhood events

if you think it is your place to tell people what they can and can't do with each other (assuming consent is given, and just to be clear not everyone is able to give consent) and that spreading hate messages against people because they have different likes and dislikes than you is ok, it is you who has some serious issues. sadly a decent chunk of our society would take your side, but you are wrong either way. as for not putting tags properly, it's frankly not a "crime" worthy of such outrage. if this was a case of missing age restrictions, I might agree, but it clearly isn't as webnovel has no proper system for that anyways. lastly, nobody forced you to read anything. you chose to read stuff on the internet, didn't like it, then trew a fit like a toddler and accused the author of being immoral to compensate for your lack of tolerance and inability to take a loss. now kindly get off the internet and reflect on your toxicity.

Shadewind:That's a two entirely different concept. So why are you asking me that . I Don't discriminates against black people . So I just find it disgusting to have sèx with same gender . What do you feel towards people who are having sèx with an animal . Don't you feel that is disgusting for me i feel that kind of disgust towards gay people . Also don't you find fetishes disgusting . Being gay is also a fetishe so you should feel disgust towards them if not you are setting a very bad example towards future generations . Also if gay people marry what is the outcome will they can have children or what . What is the benefits if you are gay it's just that person is just fulfilling his sick fantasy . If you support that kind of thing. God knows what you people will support in the future . Don't care what you lot think but i will never support this kind of sick things which goes against the very laws of nature .