
Review Detail of mikatamo1 in Garou of WTF???

Détail de l’examen


To those who said i was Plagiarism 1. this is my own Fan fiction and it do not belong to JRT02 what i do it i just think that guy PROLOGUE is a good one so i borrow and change it to my way and that is the only one thing i borrow and the rest is my story not him, my character is Garou not some UCHIHA and the flow of my story is completely different from his story 2. him and me along with a lot other one had no right to said anything like Plagiarism at all, since both us write is Fan fiction and what is the difference between plagiarism and fanfiction? The most obvious difference is that fanfiction plays in the same universe as an existing work, identifies the original work and author, and adds their own spin to that work with wholly original words and ideas (source: https://welcome.raythereign.com/the-difference-between-fanfiction-plagiarism/) 3. to those is blindly believe what other say, do read my story and compare what is my story is similar to that guy, ever the first wold my go it difference to his story let a long he can call it Plagiarism

Garou of WTF???


Aimé par 4 personnes




** also forgot to say that guy is acting like a kid so I just take it off and use my own and no more thing to that guy is Plagiarism any more


See how no one replied to this and instead rated ****t, Yeah, don't worry about them. You won the argument swiftly.


The guy should just be happy that you even considered his work as a source of inspiration for you to create this fanfiction, but who knows people are self entilted slutss, good luck with your fanfiction