
Review Detail of Tilted_Axis in Evil Goddess System

Détail de l’examen


The author here being a little shameless rating my own work, but I thought I could at least use it to clarify a few things for those that are thinking about reading. - The release schedule is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, if a chapter is released any other day just think of it as a surprise. - It's a gender bender novel, but due to story elements, the MC doesn't make a huge deal out of it. However, it still brings the MC some interesting and fun situations. - Is the novel yuri? Yes, but romance isn’t my focus with this novel. So there won’t be chapter after chapter of the MC romancing other women. - The MC is a vampire if you like that kind of thing. - Goddess refers to the actual definition of goddess and not in the sense of beauty like some novels use it, although the MC can be considered beautiful. Hopefully, this novel can be an entertaining and enjoyable experience for those who choose to read it. Have any other questions or suggestions feel free to comment on this review. Thanks, everyone.

Evil Goddess System


Aimé par 60 personnes




Do you have a ETA on when you will return because I do remember reading this novel years ago and being upset when it was put on hiatus.

Tilted_Axis:Yes. I've been working on other stories in the same universe. The next time Eira returns though, it'll probably be in a fully fleshed-out novel.

Question is there going to be a small yuri harem of immortal blood mates


Not planning for it to be harem. I was thinking about doing the romance in more of a cute way later down the road. Maybe a love triangle? Anyways the story and world building are much more important to me, especially this early in the plot.

Kain4less:Question is there going to be a small yuri harem of immortal blood mates

I hope MC does kill every romantic interest or random people for no good reason or teased her a little.


After the MC was forcibly fused with the goddess fragment she really doesn’t consider herself human anymore. In fact she holds quite the grudge against them. I do understand that a MC that’s willing to kill first and ask questions later is not for everyone though. Either way I appreciate you giving the novel a look regardless!

Tizon:I hope MC does kill every romantic interest or random people for no good reason or teased her a little.

Thanks for the reply. I agree the MC way of thinking is not my cup of tea; and i can see that it is a part of mc's character development. Still I see that this is a well written work and the author has put much thought and effort in it. I wish you best and you continue to improve and mainly continue to enjoy writing.😁👍🏻

Tilted_Axis:After the MC was forcibly fused with the goddess fragment she really doesn’t consider herself human anymore. In fact she holds quite the grudge against them. I do understand that a MC that’s willing to kill first and ask questions later is not for everyone though. Either way I appreciate you giving the novel a look regardless!

Just wondering with some random thoughts. Your work made my mind run away a bit. 💋 >Human-Angel hybrids are called Nephilim and considered evil incarcerate, hunted by everyone, including the Fey in some mythos. >Here's something that can confuse one: angels are supposedly sexless, neither man nor woman, lacking any sexual traits or abilities. (So where did the Nephilim come from?) Whereas, fallen angels and demons are the epitome of sex and procreation to the point of exceeding obsession. >Don't know if the seven deadly sins will make an appearance or not, but if you're using ancient mythos in addition to well other stuff, did you know there used to be more than just seven? And that that list changed at least twice since the days of the Greeks? >Paranormal... That pretty much covers everything doesn't it? From Urban myths to popular novels to light novels to the Bible and ancient religions to eldar legends to Wiccans to little gray men to the giant Norse trolls to Titans and polymorphs... The only thing that wouldn't really fit is Satan, since that was actually the name of the first group of scientists and not Lucifer. But guess if enough belief is added, things change: going from ancestor to hero to protective spirit to local power to Demigod to God to greater God and all that. Wonder if she'll only use the 'evil' aspects of paranormal? Or dimensional gateways, etc. Of course, there's that whole alien impregnation thing... >Looking forward to see Eden's evolution. What changes will additional doses of the goddess' blood cause? Will she mutate before her time to evolve? (Saber-toothed Angel? Nah...) What sleeping mysterious bloodlines does she still unknowingly have? What unlisted powers? When she evolved, what will she become? A Greater Angel? An Arch Angel? A Demigod? One of the Feyborn? A pure blood camp that sparkles in the sunlight (Plz Noooooo!)? A Daywalker? A red slime? So many choices.. >Why can't the goddess 'steal' powers, talents, etc from consuming blood (or spirits)? >Will she run into other 'systems'? Deity soul fragments? Lost or forgotten people's (little green goblins? Three inch tall pixies? Wind Sprites? Mermen? Ocean Goddess Calypso? Godzilla)? Will the ship become or run into a Ghost Ship? Will she reclaim any followers from hell or other dimensions? Will she create anything new from scratch (she's a blood God - not just an icon made of blood, right? Genetics and all life are her thing! (Guess that includes plants and diseases too...) Well, only wondering.


This is a very interesting comment. I don't want to say too much when it comes to the story elements, as I don't want to give away any big surprises. I don't mind talking about Eira's talent so much, though. Eira's talent has huge potential, but its biggest limit is Eira herself. Summoning three Nure-onago nearly caused her to lose consciousness, so what would happen if she tried to summon something extremely powerful probably nothing at all because she couldn't handle it. This is the reason it is only graded at an S and not an SSS rank ability because it has some tricky limiting factors. The reason she has only used the 'evil' aspects of paranormal thus far is because Robert, one of the ingredients for Eira's origin, was a big fan of horror and urban legends, so she knows a lot of them thanks to him. Also, when you think about it, scary things tend to leave a significant impression on your average person's mind. However, as you've said it has a lot of future creative potential in many situations. As for the Goddess of Blood and Eira's inheritance of it, I think a good way to think about that right now is a newborn baby being given the keys to the Death Star. She can't do much more than sit in the chair right now; she can hardly even reach the lowest controls on the console.

W_H:Just wondering with some random thoughts. Your work made my mind run away a bit. 💋 >Human-Angel hybrids are called Nephilim and considered evil incarcerate, hunted by everyone, including the Fey in some mythos. >Here's something that can confuse one: angels are supposedly sexless, neither man nor woman, lacking any sexual traits or abilities. (So where did the Nephilim come from?) Whereas, fallen angels and demons are the epitome of sex and procreation to the point of exceeding obsession. >Don't know if the seven deadly sins will make an appearance or not, but if you're using ancient mythos in addition to well other stuff, did you know there used to be more than just seven? And that that list changed at least twice since the days of the Greeks? >Paranormal... That pretty much covers everything doesn't it? From Urban myths to popular novels to light novels to the Bible and ancient religions to eldar legends to Wiccans to little gray men to the giant Norse trolls to Titans and polymorphs... The only thing that wouldn't really fit is Satan, since that was actually the name of the first group of scientists and not Lucifer. But guess if enough belief is added, things change: going from ancestor to hero to protective spirit to local power to Demigod to God to greater God and all that. Wonder if she'll only use the 'evil' aspects of paranormal? Or dimensional gateways, etc. Of course, there's that whole alien impregnation thing... >Looking forward to see Eden's evolution. What changes will additional doses of the goddess' blood cause? Will she mutate before her time to evolve? (Saber-toothed Angel? Nah...) What sleeping mysterious bloodlines does she still unknowingly have? What unlisted powers? When she evolved, what will she become? A Greater Angel? An Arch Angel? A Demigod? One of the Feyborn? A pure blood camp that sparkles in the sunlight (Plz Noooooo!)? A Daywalker? A red slime? So many choices.. >Why can't the goddess 'steal' powers, talents, etc from consuming blood (or spirits)? >Will she run into other 'systems'? Deity soul fragments? Lost or forgotten people's (little green goblins? Three inch tall pixies? Wind Sprites? Mermen? Ocean Goddess Calypso? Godzilla)? Will the ship become or run into a Ghost Ship? Will she reclaim any followers from hell or other dimensions? Will she create anything new from scratch (she's a blood God - not just an icon made of blood, right? Genetics and all life are her thing! (Guess that includes plants and diseases too...) Well, only wondering.


Tilted_Axis:Not planning for it to be harem. I was thinking about doing the romance in more of a cute way later down the road. Maybe a love triangle? Anyways the story and world building are much more important to me, especially this early in the plot.

Oh right, i will give this a go and add to my library.


So ummm Author are you gonna nominate this for the vampire writing prompt?


Unfortunately, I think that is only open to new novels or I would.

AvoidanceLife88:So ummm Author are you gonna nominate this for the vampire writing prompt?

It looked like you just had to register, but only creator can from what I read of the rules. Tho you might be right about it needing to be new.

Tilted_Axis:Unfortunately, I think that is only open to new novels or I would.

Harem please

Tilted_Axis:Not planning for it to be harem. I was thinking about doing the romance in more of a cute way later down the road. Maybe a love triangle? Anyways the story and world building are much more important to me, especially this early in the plot.

You can build the romance later but please give the mc harem of 2-3

Tilted_Axis:Not planning for it to be harem. I was thinking about doing the romance in more of a cute way later down the road. Maybe a love triangle? Anyways the story and world building are much more important to me, especially this early in the plot.

Question well we see servants, blood vessels, holy family, friends, disciples or whatever you think would be appropriate that are of both genders or only one?


Yes, the first few companions are female, but that was something I did without realizing it, lol. But yeah, there will be male and females of all things.

Dumb_Desert_Goat:Question well we see servants, blood vessels, holy family, friends, disciples or whatever you think would be appropriate that are of both genders or only one?

So the mc likes killing? Cool lemme read it.

Tilted_Axis:After the MC was forcibly fused with the goddess fragment she really doesn’t consider herself human anymore. In fact she holds quite the grudge against them. I do understand that a MC that’s willing to kill first and ask questions later is not for everyone though. Either way I appreciate you giving the novel a look regardless!

Question will romance with protag be yuri only?

Tilted_Axis:Yes, the first few companions are female, but that was something I did without realizing it, lol. But yeah, there will be male and females of all things.

is the novel dropped?


Spoilers!!! So, I find this to be (in my opinion) the best novel I’ve ever read. I love how the plot is going, (being a fallout fan, I love the concept of the end of the world… morbid curiosity) I do also love the aspect of rebuilding. I love nation building (like That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime) where the character builds a city, or an army, or in this case, a religion. I’m a huge fan of the characters —Eira being what can only be the ultimate waifu in my opinion. White hair, red eyes, even vampire teeth! Now that’s just amazing. The part where the main character is the first in the world to get powers, and thus, at the moment, probably the strongest —and it might just stay that way, considering she’s a goddess and all. While on the topic of that, I’ll say that I also love the part where Eira has to prepare, because people are going to get stronger, there are going to be tougher monsters! This, of course reminds me of games that I am hugely fond of —games that involve waves where every wave the things you’re fighting get stronger (like COD zombies.) Also, I feel the need to mention that the locations are also pretty dope. I love Japan, it’s amazing, and with Eira going to Anchorage, Alaska, that also tickles my gamerbone —being a fallout fan (Anchorage is somewhere that’s somewhat important to fallout’s story while simultaneously not.) I’m also a fan of the male to female part… Also, if the author ends up reading this, I hope you’ll bring this back, I really enjoy it, and both me and my pride would absolutely love it if you gave Norway an honorable mention… just saying :) well, thanks for reading my comment!