
Review Detail of Gutterstomp in Osmosian in DC OC/SI

Détail de l’examen


Grammar is pretty bad, punctuation is pretty bad, and over all the story is CHAOTIC it’s one of those novels where the Mc gets wishes from a ROB but dosent or can’t use them properly. The character development is terrible the story tells only one interaction with his family and that’s when he was born we know nothing of his background in the story and the author introduces many original people and things into this novel with zero explanation and backstory as well as the frequent time skip makes this novel very hard to enjoy. It seems the author has an idea on how his Mc would be in the story but fails to write anything else from that. There are parts in the story like he gets technology to build stuff but after years later he has come up with an axe with runes.

Osmosian in DC OC/SI


Aimé par 8 personnes




Thanks For reviewing, I'm always looking to improve my grammar. if it’s about OC’s I don’t think I have to write one for Aeshma and the Demons cause they are a part of Joseph’s backstory, Radueriel and Joseph’s chapters are already in the making, Raina is an original DC character from the Dr Fate comics, Juliana is part of an arc I’m preparing so no backstory for now, his parents’ chapter is coming out soon and I’m working on getting them and the Roths more involved. Maybe a chapter on the Roths too? I started one but lost it when I switched phones, I’ll get back to that. Anyway thanks for reviewing 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾... reviews always fuel my ideas. More people should review even. P.S. Don’t think I can do anything bout the wishes now, can I?


I think first you should pick a goal for the Mc. Does he want to save the earth? Be a villain? Like a greater goal that he can strive for in this universe it’ll make writing the story a whole lot easier. And make the Mc work towards that, if he wants to conquer earth he needs to start building up his power and army etc.

KingBlue:Thanks For reviewing, I'm always looking to improve my grammar. if it’s about OC’s I don’t think I have to write one for Aeshma and the Demons cause they are a part of Joseph’s backstory, Radueriel and Joseph’s chapters are already in the making, Raina is an original DC character from the Dr Fate comics, Juliana is part of an arc I’m preparing so no backstory for now, his parents’ chapter is coming out soon and I’m working on getting them and the Roths more involved. Maybe a chapter on the Roths too? I started one but lost it when I switched phones, I’ll get back to that. Anyway thanks for reviewing 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾... reviews always fuel my ideas. More people should review even. P.S. Don’t think I can do anything bout the wishes now, can I?