
Review Detail of Abdullah_4398 in Old Man Dragon

Détail de l’examen


Trash It really turns a good story into rubbish wasting my time watching it He has become a dragon in another world The story begins with making the hero suffer like a dragon being chased by a wolf There is no stability at the beginning of the story It is like a dog running and sees humans instead of taking the wolf and eating it and starts a low level evolution decides that He gives the dead wolf to humans and becomes a slave and a pet for humans. I am really disappointed and do not want to read the stories of the slave protagonist.

Old Man Dragon


Aimé par 1 personnes




You shouldn’t write a review if you didn’t read the story. You basically read the prologue then decided you didn’t want to see where it went. You’re very wrong about how the story is, it’s not a “slave protagonist” if anything the people around him are the slaves to him. If you didn’t want to read it then don’t read it, but don’t leave a completely negative review when you read like three chapters, skipped to halfway through the book, read one line then gave up.