
Review Detail of Bawkie in The Goddess | Book Three

Détail de l’examen


Reading this book was very overwhelming with the amount of new information on Carter's life that was brought up - new and old. It was very surprising to find out that Zeus was actually her real father and that her mother had actually turned to witchcraft. It was also very surprising finding out that John had passed away and that the Heroic 8 had been disbanded because of them struggling between their personal life and superhero life. I was also happy that they were still all together even though they didn't want to be part of the Heroic 8. I think that doing that was the best thing to do because now they could actually find something that they really love and that they found something that made them happy - individually - even if it was them being together. I was really happy when she became queen because even though she wasn't really in control of her powers, deep inside of her she was actually really strong and powerful even though she didn't really believe it. Reading the trilogy was really a great experience between high and lows of most books that I have read.

The Goddess | Book Three


Aimé par 1 personnes




Well said! There is much more coming soon. Thank you for reading!