
Review Detail of Ash_Striker in Everlasting Shadows

Détail de l’examen


(This review is only of chapters 1-4.) The author has good grammar and spelling. The writing is clear and simple. There are some descriptions, but I feel like the author could go into more detail of what exactly the hybrids look like. At one point, I thought the wolf was picking up something with their hand, when they were actually using their mouth. There is a little development of the world given to us in each chapter, but we don't have a clear picture of the inter-workings of this world yet.I definitely see the creativity with the enemies the hybrid and his mother encounter. Because it is only the first few chapters, I did cut the author a break with the world-building, but I anticipate that a lot more will be revealed later. I like that bits and pieces are given to us instead of boring exposition about the world all at once. As for the plot, I'm not sure where it's going. The plot right now doesn't seem to be flowing well. The actions of the character are questionable too. I wish we could have seen more of the battle between the mother and the plant, and that her son would have joined, even if he wasn't strong enough. I don't understand how he can just stand back and watch his mother get attacked. It also ruins the anticipation and excitement because I expect that the mother will win, since the focus isn't on her. I also think that the encounter of the spirit could have happened later. The plot is too clunky with two big events happening at once. As for the characters, I haven't gotten a real sense of who they are. I don't really know what their personalities are like yet and so I don't really care for them. The plot is intriguing, but that can only hold people's attention for so long, you have to develop the characters enough so we can care about them. Overall, a decent story so far with potential. I wish the author well and hope the best for their story.

Everlasting Shadows


Liked it!




That's another thing that needs to be clarified..

HurricaneSpirit:Sorry to break it to you, but Spirit is a female...

Sorry to break it to you, but Spirit is a female...