
Review Detail of After_Wing in The Chronicles of Elijah

Détail de l’examen


I don't care what others thought about this. About the grammars and crap. Those people only wants quality not quantity. They don't have a taste for stories anyway. But to me, this fanfic is the best!!! What this fanfic enticing is that it doesn't go with others annoying things. 2 things are seen here - KNOWLEDGE is power and EXPANSION is what matters. Unlike others that this fanfic benefits more is that - #1. No f*ckng SYSTEM #2. Main Character doesn't go around as a masked vigilante in a tight spandex or shady robes. #3. Not so much around the canon heroes like the Avengers. #4. Protagonist doesn't give a fck to change the outcome of a canon character to their well-being instead being lenient to it. #5. Main Protagonist here unlike others want acclimation to all and as much do to affect some instead others that just go with the flow of a broken world. Truly this is a masterpiece. HEAR ME OUT MY FELLOW READERS! DO NOT BE DISSUADE BY OTHERS SAYING THIS FANFIC GRAMMAR IS CRAP AND PLOT RETARDED. NO ITS THEM RETARDED! LET'S YOUR CURIOSITY AND IMAGINATION TAKE HOLD AND SEE THIS FANFIC IN ALL ITS GLORY! *SPOILER* The main protagonist Elijah Muller taken new heights to expand SHIELD out from the ashes of old. His family name and company is a powerhouse that no forces on Earth could take on. Is like comparing a pack of wolves against a dragon that spit fire and poison. Elijah make some of the notable canon characters in league to him and molded them better than their canon selves. Not just Earth but his goal expand to the whole galaxy and nine worlds. Owned an eden-like paradise planet and many more worlds. It his own and his trusted companions that make a great deal of his towards expansion. To utmost amazement, he's better than other fanfic Marvel crossover OC I've seen, read and known so far.

The Chronicles of Elijah


Aimé par 15 personnes




I hope the writer is write a story like this again for example: In DxD with Library of Heaven Path


So summary for the plot, mc who train and works in summary without giving explanation and ideas of how or why powers work. And characters that less then cardboard, even lover(can it even be called as such) is what makes it great? You have specific tastes.....


Ok, so where is the spoiler part?😒




Is this a harem? I'm hopeing it isn't


so I'm guessing you've lost your eyes and or ability to read

Bogeman006:Ok, so where is the spoiler part?😒