
Review Detail of RandomMobA in A New Path

Détail de l’examen


It doesn't seem to be that good. Has lots of high review but doesn't really explain why... I tried it, but i just can't really find what's attractive in it tbh. This novel's full of dialogues and barely have any explanation and stuff. If there's a thing called infodump then this novel has "DialogueDumps". Everyone just keep talking and talking and barely explain anything. Author doesn't even give a world overview and just assume that every single reader he'll get understand everything. And what made it worst was how dull the characters are. They kept talking but what they're talking about isn't anywhere interesting. Tldr Overall i find it uninteresting and pretty boring in a long run. I can't imagine myself reading this more in 100-200 more chapters.

A New Path


Aimé par 2 personnes

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