
Review Detail of Kavita_Thanky in My Vulnerary Husband- our journey towards love

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Started off well but gives a very old depiction of what Indian girls are and their thoughts. Melancholy is the theme and not romance. The way the consummation of marriage is done is horrible to say the least. Very disappointed by the narrow minded approach of the author

My Vulnerary Husband- our journey towards love


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I'm not sure about what kind of impression you hold regarding Indian girls and their thoughts, but I can assure you that I never considered one for writing Innaya's character. Because if I had, she would have been left alone at her in-laws place instead of spending six months with her husband. Regardless of Indian setting or names, the story would have been same with Western setting. If you could spare some minutes then please check the pinned review of a reader - Sharon and you can see that the story is not just a fiction but somewhere holds close ties with the reality. Regarding consummation of the leads about how horribly is done, then I'm sorry if your expectations were not met because I never wrote that scene. That was my personal choice to not include anything R-rated and keep the story for general audience. They never consummated. Webnovel do not allow to add other genres or else instead of romance this novel features "Chiklit and romance" genre. Romance is different for everyone, what I find romantic might be cliche for others. And lastly regarding narrow minded approach, all I can say is- if I had a narrow-minded approach, I wouldn't have chosen the mental health topic like PTSD to write my whole novel on. Thank you for taking your time to read the novel. :-)


I am Indian and find the depiction very disappointing as today's girls, especially educated ones are different from what is portrayed in the novel. About PTSD or related disorders, lot of detail is mentioned which doesn't make the approach broad-minded. Yes, brave of you to put it in the story but definitely too much attention and melancholy in the story. A psychologist myself, I can appreciate the detail but that's that. About consummation of marriage, yes, you didn't write in the story but the time which is there at the end, it was not special considering the way the ML talks total unromantic stuff during the intimate moments making it look BAU which doesn't fit well with the story. About not writing R18 content, that's ok but not depicted nicely. Was reading your story especially due to the story but was disappointed and pointed out. If I want chicklit stories, have many avenues and definitely not comparing this to them as both are different genres as per me. The opinion is mine based on general and professional experience of many yyears and you may take it as you want


Being educated doesn't make someone courageous or coward. I would again quote and underline that Innaya is someone who somewhere exists in this real world and the reader is her review has mentioned about her own experience. Kindly do give it a moment. In many parts of India and the world you would find the girls which are still timid, scared and reserved. And that's okay, because change takes time and personal experiences shapes ones personality. She went through trauma in her childhood which made her the person you see she is in the story. And it's about her journey. Men like Eshan are rare too but that doesn't mean that they also do not exist. If writing about emotional weak side off a girl and stressing on the emotional intimacy makes it narrow minded approach then perhaps we do not share the same opinion regarding the concept. Somewhere there is misunderstanding of the basic theme and point of the whole novel on your side. It was never completely about the romance rather the gradual changes in the FL and about her walking the path of happiness. Mental health awareness was the main point and that is why PTSD is stressed out throughout the novel. Being an Indian myself I do know how much awareness is there regarding such mental health issues and if focussing on that makes it boring or too much as a reader for you, you should have dropped it long ago and you would not have been disappointed. As a professional in this field you would know better about how it take ages for people to move on and make peace with their pasts. It's never easy and that is why past comes with lot of baggage which makes it harder for people to battle mental demons. And I have had people reaching out to me, telling how much they feel connected to Innaya and her sufferings because they have had their own battles and scars. ML has been unpredictable since the start. He never behaved the way usual ML would behave. He was never cold, ruthless or emotionless. Rather he showed his all sides to her. So the talks they had was his personality. Again I would say that romance and intimacy differs from person the person. I do respect your opinions but I do not agree with it. That's my perspective because as a writer of this novel I do know what I wrote and why.


Your opinion is totally fine and same holds for mine. As I said, you wrote about PTSD and that's brave. Does it make the novel boring? I didn't say that so that's your interpretation or perception of what I said. I read the novel because I appreciated the theme you took. I was disappointed as it didn't go well with me and so I mentioned in my comments. If you are unable to take that or see a reader's point of view that's your prerogative. As for the ML, yes, he is shown to behave differently but as one who cares as much as shown for the FL, his treatment of special moments should be different. That is how human mind is whatever the person's personality and that's where the story didn't treat it well or in line with the character but since you wrote the story, possessiveness towards one's own viewpoint is acceptable. As for mental illness and related, there are many things in the story that are not in line with behavioural traits of such a patient but again, this being a fictional story can be let go as liberty to the writer. Happy that many find the FL's character similar to theirs and that would be true to girls (and boys) facing such issues across the world - I don't see myself taking that away from the story in any of my comments - again that is your perception and interpretation of my comments. Enough said, I have commented as I felt after reading the story and clarified to your comments as well. How to take them is up to you, I would be unable to reply to further comments and pen down here. Best luck :)


I completely agree with you, there are many Innayas in our society, me myself is an example and trust me it's really hard to come out of that darkness, I feel really connected with her because I also have my episodes even after such a long time has passed. you know a saying in India, people who don't feel the pain they never gone through. good work author,[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

Mukta:Being educated doesn't make someone courageous or coward. I would again quote and underline that Innaya is someone who somewhere exists in this real world and the reader is her review has mentioned about her own experience. Kindly do give it a moment. In many parts of India and the world you would find the girls which are still timid, scared and reserved. And that's okay, because change takes time and personal experiences shapes ones personality. She went through trauma in her childhood which made her the person you see she is in the story. And it's about her journey. Men like Eshan are rare too but that doesn't mean that they also do not exist. If writing about emotional weak side off a girl and stressing on the emotional intimacy makes it narrow minded approach then perhaps we do not share the same opinion regarding the concept. Somewhere there is misunderstanding of the basic theme and point of the whole novel on your side. It was never completely about the romance rather the gradual changes in the FL and about her walking the path of happiness. Mental health awareness was the main point and that is why PTSD is stressed out throughout the novel. Being an Indian myself I do know how much awareness is there regarding such mental health issues and if focussing on that makes it boring or too much as a reader for you, you should have dropped it long ago and you would not have been disappointed. As a professional in this field you would know better about how it take ages for people to move on and make peace with their pasts. It's never easy and that is why past comes with lot of baggage which makes it harder for people to battle mental demons. And I have had people reaching out to me, telling how much they feel connected to Innaya and her sufferings because they have had their own battles and scars. ML has been unpredictable since the start. He never behaved the way usual ML would behave. He was never cold, ruthless or emotionless. Rather he showed his all sides to her. So the talks they had was his personality. Again I would say that romance and intimacy differs from person the person. I do respect your opinions but I do not agree with it. That's my perspective because as a writer of this novel I do know what I wrote and why.