
Review Detail of Athame in Harry Potter And The Rise Of Golden Falcon

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How can anyone say that it is the best fanfiction is beyond me. The main character is a psychopath who during his 17 years of life in the Harry Potter universe didn't bother to do anything besides studying. He has a good opinion of his caretaker in the orphanage and he is into NymphadoraTonks without any reason, probably because the author is crushing on her character or actress. He is supposedly an heir to one of the sacred houses, yet he is in a muggle orphanage and there is no mention of his magical guardian, all the factions just forgot the existence of another house who has a say in Wizengamot. All the house elves of his house disappeared too, he had to buy his own house elf. The author likes to make his opinion known in the comments, for example, "I won't write about romance and I won't write about the things that the main character changed in the books, because it's not that kind of novel." So you get 32 chapters of MC doing nothing, completely nothing and the author is proud of that. You get to see how he got O+ on everything, but he could have gotten O even before going to Hogwarts because he conveniently found all the books needed to know everything to graduate in a trunk of a dead wizard, just after the main character reincarnated/transmigrated to this world. Then he proceeds to close the door to his room and study, then after he gets Hogwarts list and gets to Hogwarts he proceeds to close the door to his room and study, and study. That's basically it, well almost, he became an animagus, he has two forms, normal golden falcon and magical shadow something which allows him to travel through shadows, original right? ... He is chosen as a Hogwarts Champion instead of Cedric, the first task is the same, the author just got Harry Cedric's dragon, and the MC got the horntail, he killed the dragon because he needed it for the ritual. The author decided that second task will go like in the canon so he just won't write about it. He goes on a dates with Tonks, but we don't see it, then he proceed to **** her, which we don't see, this goes for several months and he still calls her "Tonks". The author said that the novel starts after Voldemorts death, which can be interesting if done correctly, but it's not really HP fanfic when you insert your character in HP universe after all the plot already happened, it's just an original story in this universe, but because the author didn't want to get called on that he wrote that 30+ chapters that could be written in one chapter, because as he said the novel didn't even start. MC will get a harem, just not right now, he gets Tonks now then he will get another girls in another universe. But since "it isn't a novel like that" there won't be any romance besides "they went on a date, later they ****ed", boring. There is no action besides the fight with a dragon, but it went like that: "MC traps dragon in chains, but he doesn't completely trap him because he needs to kill the dragon, and he doesn't want to be knows as dark wizard, he turns away from the dragon, dragon escapes, attacks MC, MC kills dragon with his super original spell, the end". I don't really know what this novel is like and I don't really have great motivation to read later. The only redeeming original quality is authors idea about magical cores, though it isn't really original, it is copied from cultivation novels, magical core is in gaseous state, after first maturity it's in liquid state, then for Dumbledore, Voldemort and our MC there is solid state after second maturity. But after MC completes the ritual his core has grown to a maximum, so it doesn't get any stronger, boring.

Harry Potter And The Rise Of Golden Falcon


Aimé par 124 personnes




I don't get people, man. There's millions of HP fanfics and this one is (I appreciate the effort of the author) definitely not among the top, desperately needs editing as well.


I agree with all of your complaints as well, but the whole review is basically just bashing the author instead of creative criticism. I on the other hand like how the story plays out so far part for the lack of detail and descriptions.


What do you mean it’s just me bashing the author? I didn’t say anything positive about the novel, but it’s only because I can’t think about anything positive. If the author can improve the novel based on what people say is bad about it the our review is constructive, it wouldn’t be if I said “Your mc looks like ****, everything that happened was ****” I did say what bothered me and why. I didn’t say anything about how the conversation feels wooden and without emotion, because someone already pointed it out so I don’t have to. Just because someone didn’t info-dumped the readers doesn’t deserve the praise, same with details. Info-dumps are sometimes necessary, how well the author delivers them deserves praise. Details are necessary unless you want to read a summary of what happened, how well author balances the amount of details deserves praise. I will give you an extreme example, just because author doesn’t write about rape, slavery, necrophilia doesn’t deserve praise because of it.

Sai_Das:I agree with all of your complaints as well, but the whole review is basically just bashing the author instead of creative criticism. I on the other hand like how the story plays out so far part for the lack of detail and descriptions.

Useful review.


I dropped before he even got to Hogwarts, well this review is helpful. And I'm with you, who the hell says this is the best fanfic I've ever read. To basically an SI with, from what I read from your review, doesn't change anything, he might as well have had possessed a HP rando and get it on from there after the war was finished. And I read your reply to the guy that said you just bashed the author and it isn't constructive criticism, well lmao. And rape in Hogwarts has been part of a good chunk of the HP fanfics I've read in FF, due to pure blood supremacy BS. Currently my favorite among the HP fanfics is Moon and Shadow.

patienceLove:I don't get people, man. There's millions of HP fanfics and this one is (I appreciate the effort of the author) definitely not among the top, desperately needs editing as well.

I dropped before he even got to Hogwarts, well this review is helpful. And I'm with you, who the hell says this is the best fanfic I've ever read. To basically an SI with, from what I read from your review, doesn't change anything, he might as well have had possessed a HP rando and get it on from there after the war was finished. And I read your reply to the guy that said you just bashed the author and it isn't constructive criticism, well lmao. And rape in Hogwarts has been part of a good chunk of the HP fanfics I've read in FF, due to pure blood supremacy BS. Currently my favorite among the HP fanfics is Moon and Shadow.

patienceLove:I don't get people, man. There's millions of HP fanfics and this one is (I appreciate the effort of the author) definitely not among the top, desperately needs editing as well.

Sht double post bs


a-s-s-h-o-l-e at at-least provide something positive


Can you actually read and comprehend what you just read? I already said that I can’t come up with anything positive to say about this fanfic. I guess there is one thing, the grammar is okay, compared to other fanfics on this site you can actually call this grammar a masterpiece. Satisfied? I had to come up with something to say because you didn’t even bother to do it yourself when you were so nicely “defending” this novel by calling me asshole.


Not to be rude or anything but if you comment on how bad it is you should at least provide a comparison to the best or write your own if you think you could do better but don't judge if you cannot do better you are not a critic and people have different tastes and your consensus on this novel will not be the same for everyone you have a right to speak your mind and some people do agree with you so instead of judging tell the author to improve the novel otherwise you'll be labeled as a hater


Thanks for the review. Poster above ... do you believe every reviewer can write? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard... it’s like saying all technological reviewers need to be inventors as well .. think about it.


thank the fucking gods for your review, that sounds like the opposite of what I want to read. I love OP mc, but I want to actually read about them doing something, not just sit on their ass and twiddle their tumbs. So thank you.


Please check out An Upgraded Soul by Cherry. It's one of my favs with constant timely updates but is not promoted by WN like others. I want your thoughts through its review. Accept my request if got the time needed. Oh it's like 114 chaps and going


Can you recommend other fanfics?

AsuraMonarch:I dropped before he even got to Hogwarts, well this review is helpful. And I'm with you, who the hell says this is the best fanfic I've ever read. To basically an SI with, from what I read from your review, doesn't change anything, he might as well have had possessed a HP rando and get it on from there after the war was finished. And I read your reply to the guy that said you just bashed the author and it isn't constructive criticism, well lmao. And rape in Hogwarts has been part of a good chunk of the HP fanfics I've read in FF, due to pure blood supremacy BS. Currently my favorite among the HP fanfics is Moon and Shadow.

Aside from Moon and Shadow then stuff from DZ2. Aside from that then. I'm not a hero by JustBored21 The Colours of the World (FMA Character going to HP) by Mai Kusakabe. Laughing All the Way to London by JacobApples Narcissa's Chance by ReluctantSidekick A Third Path to the Future (Harry in Marvel verse) by Vimesenthusiast The Gift by Kagemeru Raiden Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord by Colt01 Harry Slithers in series by Dragonson Twins: A Different Life by Jessiikaa15 FILFY teacher (Adult Werewolf Harry in DXD) By Vimesenthusiast Crack'd Mirror by cloneserpents Feral by BloodRedDemon Harry Potter and The Veela by Z-bond Percy Jackson and the world of magic (Percy is the MC) by I'mjusttryingtofindmyway Deprived by The Crimson Lord Harry Crow by Robst SMUTS Tainted Desire by aTasteOfDarkness Dark Discoveries by aTasteOfDarkness Hella Potter and the Reincarnated OC by Cambrian Beckett Mutually Satisfactory Arrangements by Cambrian Beckett Harry the Playboy by Elven Sorcerer These are the stuff on my reading list from FN.

Faceless_:Can you recommend other fanfics?

Thank you so much

AsuraMonarch:Aside from Moon and Shadow then stuff from DZ2. Aside from that then. I'm not a hero by JustBored21 The Colours of the World (FMA Character going to HP) by Mai Kusakabe. Laughing All the Way to London by JacobApples Narcissa's Chance by ReluctantSidekick A Third Path to the Future (Harry in Marvel verse) by Vimesenthusiast The Gift by Kagemeru Raiden Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord by Colt01 Harry Slithers in series by Dragonson Twins: A Different Life by Jessiikaa15 FILFY teacher (Adult Werewolf Harry in DXD) By Vimesenthusiast Crack'd Mirror by cloneserpents Feral by BloodRedDemon Harry Potter and The Veela by Z-bond Percy Jackson and the world of magic (Percy is the MC) by I'mjusttryingtofindmyway Deprived by The Crimson Lord Harry Crow by Robst SMUTS Tainted Desire by aTasteOfDarkness Dark Discoveries by aTasteOfDarkness Hella Potter and the Reincarnated OC by Cambrian Beckett Mutually Satisfactory Arrangements by Cambrian Beckett Harry the Playboy by Elven Sorcerer These are the stuff on my reading list from FN.

Whilst I absolutely agree with everything you said, I also really enjoyed reading this fic. From a purely literature point of view (hell even a coherent story point of view) this isn't a good fanfic but there is something about it that is really fun to read even though if I just read your summery I wouldn't have even started it.


Check out "Rebirth in a Magical World" if you havn't already for some truly good HP fanfic writing. And thank you for saving me from bothering with this trash-fire.


" He goes on a dates with Tonks, but we don't see it, then he proceed to **** her, which we don't see, this goes for several months and he still calls her "Tonks"." I never get why authors pull this shit. It's so boring and pointless. I would take some flirting and shy looks, over MC fucking behind the scenes. Either you add some detail or don't add *** at all.


it's not his job to show how to fix it, he should tell the author it's bad, how it's bad and why its bad and he did all that. don't say he should write his own if he doesn't like it, if he wrote his own he wouldn't have ot read this in the first place and neither would anyone else, if u don't like how he criticized it then by ur logic, make ur own review instead of saying how bad this one is

pricemichel:Not to be rude or anything but if you comment on how bad it is you should at least provide a comparison to the best or write your own if you think you could do better but don't judge if you cannot do better you are not a critic and people have different tastes and your consensus on this novel will not be the same for everyone you have a right to speak your mind and some people do agree with you so instead of judging tell the author to improve the novel otherwise you'll be labeled as a hater