
Review Detail of BlankBook in From this point on I will be happy [BL]

Détail de l’examen


Writing: I haven't noticed any spelling or grammar errors which is a huge plus for me sometimes I have to stop reading stories cause the writing is that bad it doesn't make sense. That actual writing ability of the author is also great, good descriptions that give me a clear mental image n didn't leave me confused about what was occurring. Updates regularly, actually the story is almost finished. Story Development: I loved every minute detail, I was hooked from the first chapter n loved everything that happened, the author also did a wonderful job of avoiding clichè situations and characters so it was a very fresh read. Character Design: I loved the growth of the MC. Also all the characters have real depth that makes them very believable. There are plenty of antagonist but the author avoids the overused bad guy that ends up with face slapping type scenario which is so old and over done. So when I say all the characters were enjoyable I mean even the antagonists. I'm using antagonists instead of 'bag guys' because that is what this brilliant author has. If you don't know the difference read the story and you'll find out. World: It's set in modern day with no sci-fi ore fantasy elements so if you usually need that to keep you interested in a story... then you're the same as me... and yet I still loved every little piece of this beautiful puzzle so just read the story already.

From this point on I will be happy [BL]


Aimé par 1 personnes




Thank you so much for this detailed review! Especially that you highlighted the lack of clichés and the understandable 'bad guys', because this was something very important to me. It is nice to see I succeeded at that😇