
Review Detail of Tigerlords in The Overbearing CEO's Addiction

Détail de l’examen


Starting off, I would like to say that the art in this story is actually really nice and rather pleasing to look at, HOWEVER, the story is the opposite. I only got to episode twelve before I couldn't stand how bad the pacing is! It feels like events after events are just being thrown ontop of the reader, without a proper explanation, or even a moments break at it. For instance, when she refused his terms the first time, she walked off. Then STRAIGHT AFTERWARDS in the vErY next panel, she was meeting up with him at some unknown location, suddenly agreeing to wHATEVER terms he was talking about. I don't believe he directly said whAt they were. When reading a story, the reader shouldn't be constantly confused on what is happening, but tHAT'S ALL I WAS WHILE READING IT! Maybe it improves later on, but that matter much because the beginning chapter are what is supposed to grab the reader in, and set the scenes for what may come later on. HOWEVER, all the beginning chapter has told me is that it's going to be sped up, jumbled mess further down the line, which doesn't peak my interest at all.

The Overbearing CEO's Addiction


Aimé par 2 personnes




Thank you! I just wish I saw this before I actually attempted to read this. I actually got a headache trying to figure out what happened. 🙃