
Review Detail of Roktah in The World of Demons And Gods

Détail de l’examen


Writing quality: horrible grammar. story development: bad planning, the mc needed to get nerved so he got half crippled and will recover in 15 years(i don't know what that means in chapters 10s...100s?). what i don't understand is the amount of bodily fitness he needs to train in earths martial arts, when he had 3k kg of physical strength for some reason he could not yet use his martial arts from earth, maybe i skipped the part were it was explained. after being crippled he ate the complete corpse of a divine phoenix and i'm not sure it did anything. he reincarnated but the advantage from it certainly isn't his intelligence, he can even be considered slightly dumb, so it must be for the martial arts but i fail to see how useful martial arts are going to be in a world of magic and mass destruction . he spent so much time on retraining his martial arts, which are only really useful now that he is crippled, that he even fell behind in cultivation. he must be a psychic.(afterall he would have just steamrolled his opponents with his op spirits if he wasn't crippled) character design: its ok nothing much to say not bad not too good either i feel like the characters are missing something though, like i dont feel attached to them just neutral kind irritated by the mc at times. WB: i know what i need to know, for the glossary ill give an extra star making it 4 in conclusion:its a novel slightly beneath average, but good enough to give it a try once the grammar is fixed

The World of Demons And Gods


Aimé par 3 personnes




wait, 2.6 strs is actually above average


Thanks for your honest review :) And I am sorry to disappoint you that much and I have to respect your opinion, I'm still in senior high school and English is just my second language, so I have difficulty writing a better grammar. But, with that, It'll help me to improve my writing and try to read more novels for a better development of the story.


its not that bad of a novel its just that a few things need to be fixed. the quality of your novel will improve a lot when your grammar improves, that would already make it a 3 star rating out of 5 that would be above average. when there are too many mistaks my flow of reading will be constantly interrupted which prevents me from immersing myself in that world you created. if you can give some life to you characters by giving them a goal thats more feasable than im gonna be the very best as example, in the next 2 years i want to accomplish x and in the next 10 years i want to have accomplished that, and then work towards it might already give your novel a lot more structure(and he doesn't need to succed those are just goals). give your character a personality and then be consistent with it(if he is lazy ect then show it through his actions).right now your characters are empty, the mc just kinda drifts along with the world without any distinct traits. the easiest way to do that is to use people yuo know in reality and use their personalities for your characters (mcs personality would be yours) maybe you have siblings friends whos character you understand to some degree and can use.

Dicky_Cummie:Thanks for your honest review :) And I am sorry to disappoint you that much and I have to respect your opinion, I'm still in senior high school and English is just my second language, so I have difficulty writing a better grammar. But, with that, It'll help me to improve my writing and try to read more novels for a better development of the story.

Thank you so much!

Roktah:its not that bad of a novel its just that a few things need to be fixed. the quality of your novel will improve a lot when your grammar improves, that would already make it a 3 star rating out of 5 that would be above average. when there are too many mistaks my flow of reading will be constantly interrupted which prevents me from immersing myself in that world you created. if you can give some life to you characters by giving them a goal thats more feasable than im gonna be the very best as example, in the next 2 years i want to accomplish x and in the next 10 years i want to have accomplished that, and then work towards it might already give your novel a lot more structure(and he doesn't need to succed those are just goals). give your character a personality and then be consistent with it(if he is lazy ect then show it through his actions).right now your characters are empty, the mc just kinda drifts along with the world without any distinct traits. the easiest way to do that is to use people yuo know in reality and use their personalities for your characters (mcs personality would be yours) maybe you have siblings friends whos character you understand to some degree and can use.