
Review Detail of Senseisan in Born as a Sage in Naruto World

Détail de l’examen


This is an amazing fanfic, flawless story line everything seems so natural and well thought out, the main character has is very OP like way too OP, he's 4 and already at chunin level that's pretty crazy since I'm pretty sure the kids start training at 5 and a potential to reach or surpass the sixth path sage...NANI. The only thing that I don't like is the fact that the MC is wayyyyyy to mature for a four-year old, the MC acts like a big brother and sensei to kids his own age(Naruto, Sasuke etc...). But overall the whole story is an amazing concept, beware of the long list of skills and abilities, I personally like it but some might not. P.S. So far no harem, so I applaud that👏👏

Born as a Sage in Naruto World


Aimé par 4 personnes

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